View Full Version : Mini lathe stand extension

John Meikrantz
03-05-2007, 5:44 PM
I have a Rikon mini lathe, and recently purchased the bed extension for it to be able to turn some longer center work. Problem is this - my existing lathe table isn't quite long enough for the lathe and the extension! I don't want to make a longer table top (existing table is 46" long birch) because of space limitations, and I don't want to leave the bed extension on the lathe permanently, just for projects when it's needed. Any ideas on how to make an extension for the table top that is removable when not using the "full length" lathe setup? I'm guessing that the lathe with bed extension is 54" or so.



Dick Strauss
03-05-2007, 7:08 PM
Make it so that the wing for the lathe extension folds down when not in use. With a few hinges and a locking mechanism, you'll be in business. You could even have folding legs for extra support if needed.


Dario Octaviano
03-05-2007, 7:49 PM
My recommendation is something similar but do it like a door that swings sideways.

Bernie Weishapl
03-05-2007, 8:18 PM
Yep John, make a extension the will fold down when not in use.

Mark Pruitt
03-06-2007, 8:24 AM
My initial reaction was similar to what the others have said, but I think I would be concerned about wanting it to be rock-solid stable. I'm not sure how you can make that happen with a hinged wing. Not saying it can't be done, just that it would involve more than your typical hinge-lock apparatus. Seems to me that Woodworkers' Supply has in the past sold a special locking hinge that is intended to support a lot of weight. I don't have their catalog handy so I can't look it up, but that's the route I would be inclined to take.

John Meikrantz
03-06-2007, 1:17 PM
Thanks for all the input. I am going to try just putting a 2 x 8 under the lathe. I will make holes in the 2 x that match the existing lathe mounting holes so I can run bolts through the lathe, 2 x, and the stand top. Only the extension leg will be on the end "hanging over" the edge of the table, and it will only extend about 8". When I don't need the extension, I can take the board off and bolt the lathe back to the stand. Seems simple enough.
