View Full Version : Creekers Weekend Accomplishments....

Dennis Peacock
03-05-2007, 10:01 AM
Good Morning Everyone,

I hope this finds each of you doing well and that your shops have the appearance of "someone's been working in my shop".

Let's see....I've been working on the dresser / changing table for our friends and I'm getting close on it of being done. I have all seven drawer boxes done, dovetails on all corner joints, I have almost all the face-frame mounted, then all I need to do is to build up the interior of the carcase enough to mount the ball-bearing drawer-slides to, cut and mount the drawer fronts, mount the drawer slides, and finally add the skirting on the bottom for the feet and bottom design. Then toss on the top of the dresser and it'll be ready for delivery. I guess I should say that all I like is the rest of it, hugh? :rolleyes:

I haven't picked up working on the kitchen table project for some time now. I need to get it back under way, get it done and get it out of my shop.

It was church Sunday, had music rehearsal Sunday afternoon in preparation for next Sunday's music. With all this music in mind reminds me that I have started a new course on bass guitar in hopes of it helping me to get better. It seems that I'm never satisfied with my playing skills and keep striving for more and better ways and skills to improve my playing. Does it ever end? :confused: ;)

So what did YOU do this weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

David Wambolt
03-05-2007, 10:23 AM
Not weekend, but week long. I finished my electrical rough in, insulation, attic floor, armored drywall, and almost finished the first coat of tape and mud on my 20x23' shop.

Pics: http://www.dmwtech.com/gallery2/v/construction/garage/

Larry Fox
03-05-2007, 10:33 AM
Took advantage of the (relatively) decent weather here in SE PA to finish some random parts for my kitchen project. Other than that, odds and ends and spent some good time with the kids outside. Good shop / relax time balance this weekend.

Dan Gill
03-05-2007, 10:41 AM
We started our big symposium for work this weekend, so I didn't have a lot of time. I did make a template for an arched back panel for a small shelf, then rough cut and routed the panel . . .and ruined both the panel and the template when my router bit slipped down into the collet. That's when I quit for the day.

Mike Heidrick
03-05-2007, 10:47 AM
Cleaned shop on Friday and Saturday night. Also installed a 220 outlet off the LVC on the shaper for the feeder that is on its way. Sold a Jet jointer and played with the planner on Sunday. Hope to work on two projects during evenings this week.

glenn bradley
03-05-2007, 11:08 AM
Got some more time in on a couple x-cut sleds; one for dad, one more for me. Put together the cutlist for an office corner unit that's next on the list.

Joe Mioux
03-05-2007, 12:02 PM
continued with the 150 yr old oak outdoor dining table has progressed nicely this weekend.... Pics will follow sometime.

Also, took advantage of Woodcraft's 10 pct sale and Performax $50 rebate and bought a 16/32 drum sander. Now I need to pick it up.

Tim Malyszko
03-05-2007, 12:07 PM
Outside of buying 55 BF of lumber on Saturday, I did a whole lot of nothing, which was nice for a change.

I layed around the house most of Saturday and was too hung over on Sunday to really do much other than take up space.

Jim O'Dell
03-05-2007, 12:37 PM
I worked on the shop ceilings and walls. See the coolmeadow shop rehab thread for pictures. Starting to look like a shop inside instead of a barn. Jim.

Matt Meiser
03-05-2007, 1:18 PM
Got in a lot of shop time this weekend. I finished up my tablesaw outfeed table, installing my router in my extension table, and built a router table fence. I also did a bunch of straightening in the shop and got started on a cutting grate to use with my plasma cutter. The grate is welded up, I just need to make a pan for underneath to catch the debris.

In between shop sessions, LOML and I went out for a really nice dinner and a movie to celebrate our 6th anniversary.

Mark Pruitt
03-05-2007, 1:37 PM
I hope this finds each of you doing well and that your shops have the appearance of "someone's been working in my shop".
As always, my shop has the appearance of "someone who is clueless when it comes to cleanliness works here.":rolleyes:

My weekend consisted of the inaugarul turnings for the new Mustard.:D Two spalted maple bowls, now wrapped and shelved following a DNA dip, a maple winged bowl also DNA'd (it will possibly come apart, not optomistic about it), and a small spalted maple vase. For the first time ever, I was able to use a forstner bit in the tailstock to do most of the hollowing on the vase, since I now have a lathe with a slow enough speed to prevent burning a Forstner.:)

Oh, and I FINALLY got around to BLO'ing the legs and stretchers for my workbench!:rolleyes: :)

Chip Olson
03-05-2007, 3:31 PM
Figured out a solution for my height-adjustable pull-outs, and started implementing it. (I had tried to do it by installing brass inserts in the cabinet walls, but I didn't locate them precisely enough and had to enlarge the holes in the mounting strips, which meant the drawers might not be level. The solution was carefully-placed blocks screwed to the cabinet at both ends of each slide location.)

Also finally fixed the electric strikeplate in my front door. The doorjamb that it screws into is old and has been drilled into too many times, so the strike kept shifting out of position causing the door to not latch (though the deadbolt still worked). Built a mounting block for it and screwed it into the framing, also making it a lot more secure.

Ken Fitzgerald
03-05-2007, 4:17 PM
Saturday I started turning some bubinga knobs and attended a wedding reception of an old elk hunting friend. Sunday....more work on turning those bubinga knobs. Makes me glad I'm not a production turner. Wow!

Paul Fitzgerald
03-05-2007, 5:00 PM
I built a pair of NYW saw horses. :)


Mike Kenney
03-05-2007, 6:05 PM
I joined the creek

Jim Becker
03-05-2007, 6:11 PM
I didn't get very much shop time this past weekend, although I got started with the installation of a BenchDog router system on my saw. There was just too much going on Saturday with one child having a guest over and my needing to do some things with the other child for um...separation...purposes. And Sunday, I needed to get ready for some business meetings. Maybe next weekend...

Brian Knodel
03-05-2007, 8:25 PM
Finished one of two jigs required for the next jewelry box.


Jim Becker
03-05-2007, 9:15 PM
I joined the creek

The best one yet!!! Excellent choice, Mike!! :D

Greg Deakins
03-05-2007, 9:52 PM
lets see.. Sat., I glued up some blanks for a wine rack I build, and I worked on a painting.
Then sunday I cut out and finished a the wine rack, and a candle holder built for cradling my girlfriends' candles, oiled and set that up.
I sprayed another painting with laquer on sunday too.
Plus on both days I put in a little work on a heavily carved piece I plan on entering in the northern woods show this month.
Also I did some rearranging of tables and stabilizing of a workbench. I set up a better place to work in the finishing room.
I also dug our house out of a couple feet of snow...

Justin Dreier
03-05-2007, 10:14 PM
Accomplished a great deal this weekend. Bout ready to start a key project. A bed... this one http://www.rockler.com/findit.cfm?page=10721 :cool:

I need to adjust it to king size though. Got the plans, picking up some white oak this week.

Anyway, this weekend, I had the pleasure of setting up my mortiser with an XY vice. I made a picture frame cutting sled. I tuned up my recent GI 6" jointer purchase. Didn't get everything organized yet, but by this weekend, all will be cleaned up and the hardwood moved in.

Looking forward to it! :D

Ted Miller
03-05-2007, 11:04 PM
I think I got 14 hours or so this weekend in the shop. Sat am I went to both Woodcraft and Rockler stores for their March sales. Then I worked on my RAS/Miter station fence. Built the last shop cabinet with work top and made a few new jigs, a crosscut sled and a board buddy jig for the TS fence. It was a very productive weekend...

Eric Stiles
03-05-2007, 11:43 PM
I didn't get a chance to set foot in my shop this weekend. However, I was able to make 2 gallons of some grade A Ohio Maple Syrup. I set my homemade evaporator up next to the stack of lumber I had sawed up 2 years ago. While spending the next 2 days literally watching water boil I came up with a half dozen dreams on which to to use the 2500 bdft of black walnut, cherry, ash, white oak, red oak, and sassafrass that has been air drying for "almost" long enough. Top on my list is some hardwood floors for the nursery and some beehives for the coming spring. Now all I need is more time.

Al Willits
03-06-2007, 9:07 AM
Welcome Mike.
This weekend I got to find out first hand why we pre assemble cabinet raised panel doors before gluing.....
Also had a chance on cleaning glue off of parts so I could make them fit, and of course Beasty was standing there while all this was going on.

Her only comment was...."so...are my kitchen cabinets gonna go like this?"

She seemed to think it was funny.

Al....who's gonna write a book on, things not to do to become a woodworker...:)