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View Full Version : This weekends doin's for Larry Fox & Ill Walnut Council

Bruce Shiverdecker
03-04-2007, 10:00 PM
Got the Nova Dirty this weekend. Since I bought it to be able to do larger bowls I just couldn't bring myself to turn a spindle as the first thing - Sorry Larry - But I did get a sample done for him, too.

The Bowl, needless to say, is made from Walnut.

The Quarter Spindle samples are here. Let me know, larry, if you like it.



mini review:

I can't say why, except that maybe the rotating head is the reason, but I was able to complete the bowl in about 1/4th the time it usually takes. This thing has POWER!!!. You do have to be careful, as some of the handles get into each others way and you can bark your knuckles.

Gordon Seto
03-04-2007, 10:38 PM
You do have to be careful, as some of the handles get into each others way and you can bark your knuckles.


You can get some inexpensive parts from Reidsupply.com to replace the lockdown handle for the toolrest. They will make life easier. You can find the information from the Nova DVR user group.

I don't understand why the engineers at Nova were so stubborn about changing the handles.


Bruce Shiverdecker
03-05-2007, 10:17 AM
thanks for the info, Gordon.


Bernie Weishapl
03-05-2007, 10:45 AM
Bruce sounds like the lathe is working good for you. Bowl looks mighty fine. Was going to go to Denver this weekend to look at the Nova 1624 but they said they didn't have one setup and wasn't going to set one up. Would really like to see it in the flesh.

John Hart
03-05-2007, 3:05 PM
Hey....I was wondering how those quarter spindles were going to turn out. Pretty nice Bruce. Gud Bol too!:)