View Full Version : A couple more antler pens for gifts ...

Ron Smith ... Richmond, VA
12-11-2003, 8:33 PM
I've let people that I know, if they're interested, I would trade them a finished pen for an antler rack if they want a pen for a gift. So far, I've had pretty good luck getting materials. The best was this afternoon. A lady I work with brought me in this very large nine point rack. She says she's "tired of it lying around" and suggested to her husband to donate it. I'm glad she did. I'll trade her one of these pens and the engraved box (by Keith Outten, by the way) since it has her husband's name on it (it was a trial run with Keith and I on his engraver) for the rack. It's massive enough to get possibly ten pens out of it, plus various odds and ends. Thanks for looking, have fun and be safe.

Julie Wright
12-11-2003, 8:39 PM
I really love your antler pens. I think the swap idea is a smart one.

I let out the word at work that I was looking for some antlers. Well a fellow RN said she thought her father could help me out with this request. I'll have them by Monday!!

Now, is there anything special that I have to do with antler to turn it? I know only one thing about antlers, they make beautiful pens.

Thanks for your Help and sharing your Pens.

Ron Smith ... Richmond, VA
12-11-2003, 8:53 PM
I really love your antler pens. I think the swap idea is a smart one.

Now, is there anything special that I have to do with antler to turn it? I know only one thing about antlers, they make beautiful pens.

Thanks for your Help and sharing your Pens.

The only thing to be careful of is in the drilling, if you're forced to use a small piece with a slight curve. You have to make sure you can get a straight pass with the drill bit without going through the side. I have quite a collection of see through blanks I've tried to do and not gotten the angle correct. Be sure and cut them longer so if you do go out the side, you can cut them back and get enough thickness to salvage the piece. After that, it's the same as any wood. It cuts very nicely.

The closer you can get to the ends of the tines, you can get away from the marrow veins in the center and they are completely solid. The center may have to be stabilized some to fill the pores and make it smooth. I've done a couple using CA glue and they did great. Scott Greaves will be able to help you more than I can. I'm trying to find a source for more antler, so if you'd PM me and give some information, I'll try to send you some. Keep up the good work. Your pens are beautiful, too!


Scott Greaves
12-12-2003, 12:15 AM
Hey Ron!

Great pens! I really like the shape on those two! I bet they feel great in the hand!

Hey Julie!

I really don't have much to add to what Ron says about antler. If you're using a larger piece and you end up turning it down into the pithy area in the center, you need to fill the porous material to make it solid. The best way is with CA glue. I use a piece of sandpaper, about 150 grit or so, and sand the antler at very low speed. Then while holding the sandpaper, with the sanding dust still on it, against the underside of the blank, drip CA glue onto the blank, and sand it in. This creates a slurry with the glue and the sanding dust that fills the pores and hardens up. After this just sand a finish as usual. Good Luck!


Julie Wright
12-12-2003, 8:23 AM
Thanks Scott,
Your pens are beautiful. I've seen your pens on another site and on the front cover of AAW.

Julie Wright
12-12-2003, 8:26 AM
Thanks, It's on its way.. :) :)