View Full Version : Mesquite NE but not Bernies

Brian McInturff
03-03-2007, 11:37 PM
These are a couple of pics of my Mesquite NE. Not quite up to par with Bernies but overall not bad. Glenn Hodges sent me the blank awhile back, I started turning it and learned the hard way not to turn when you are tired. Everything went wrong and I wasn't sure I could even save it. It ended up being much smaller than I wanted. Sorry Glenn for butchering a great piece of wood. Size is 4" high and 8" at the largest diameter. Brian



Rich Stewart
03-04-2007, 12:50 AM
What you don't realize is it is very difficult to turn hats. Good job.

Bernie Weishapl
03-04-2007, 9:37 AM
Brian you did good. Nice save on it. Looks good to me. What finish did you use on it?

Brian McInturff
03-04-2007, 10:02 AM
I tried out the Milwaukee angled drill that is made by Sioux and went to 1200 on the sanding. I knew Mesquite would sand down nice. Then soaked 15 minutes in BLO, let dry, then, tripoli, white diamond, and finally Reniasance wax. I love the feel after it's all buffed out. I lost about half of the bottom due to stupidity on my part when I was turning. It was suppose to be completely round on the bottom without the stepdown I had to incorporate. I was turning after a long day at work and was sick to boot. Got a bad catch, snapped the tennon and with the tennon went a huge chunk up and underneath the tennon as well. Ended up bandsawing it off and mounting a faceplate. Then had to take it down even smaller to bring it back into round. I'm learning though and that's what counts.:) :)

Steve Schlumpf
03-04-2007, 10:33 AM
Good save Brian! Unique shape, great color and finish! What's next?

Bernie Weishapl
03-04-2007, 10:37 AM
Hey I am still learning to. To me anytime you can make a save you did good. I really like the finish on it. I used Minwax Tung Oil and need to put the second coat on. Then will buff out. Yep found out a long time ago Brian it doesn't pay to go to the wood shop to do flat work or turn if you are sick or tired. It is a accident waiting to happen.

Neal Addy
03-04-2007, 12:10 PM
Nice NE turning, Brian. Another winner!

Ken Fitzgerald
03-04-2007, 12:48 PM
Brian.....Nice recovery! Don't be too hard on yourself. I'll bet if you ask some of the more experienced turners here they'll tell you that you will always be learning as a turner. And sometimes the wood will dictate what happens and it's just a contest to see if you can adapt to the desires of the wood. Nice looking, distinctive shaped bowl!

Glenn Hodges
03-04-2007, 2:43 PM
Shoot Brian, it still looks good to me. Anyway you learned something. If you are ever down this way come by the house, and get some more.

Tom Sherman
03-04-2007, 2:44 PM
I agree with the others Brian, it's a nice bowl great save and excellent finish.