View Full Version : Router lift on a table saw

Bill Leung
03-03-2007, 7:52 PM
Hi, I've been searching around the site looking for tips on what people have done to add a router lift onto the extension wings of a table saw. I like the concept of the bench dog cast iron thing but wanted to see what others have done. I'm thinking of the Woodpecker or Jess-Em unit and also buying another dedicated router as my only one is a PC plunger. Trying to save the trouble of going back and forth if I need to hand route.

Carroll Courtney
03-03-2007, 8:26 PM
I like the Bench Dog,I just purchase a PC 7518 and now waiting for Amazon to put them on sale.So far the cheapes I have found is 260 on up.:) If you should fine it cheaper please post.Carroll Courtney

Mike Goetzke
03-03-2007, 8:27 PM
When it gets a little warmer I'll finish mine up - it's almost there:

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v212/mbg/Unisaw%20Cabinet/th_IMG_0723_4_1.jpg (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v212/mbg/Unisaw%20Cabinet/IMG_0723_4_1.jpg)
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v212/mbg/Unisaw%20Cabinet/th_IMG_0720_1_1.jpg (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v212/mbg/Unisaw%20Cabinet/IMG_0720_1_1.jpg)

If you use the search feature you should find many more.

Good Luck!


Jim Becker
03-03-2007, 8:30 PM
I coincidentally am working on adding the Bench Dog system to my saw this weekend...it's a great setup. I should have the lift early this week according to Amazon shipping notices and will hopefully complete the task next weekend.

Bill Leung
03-03-2007, 8:34 PM
Carroll, I'm thinking of the 7518 as well if I were to get another router. Woodpecker has a lift for the plunge but don't know if I want to go that route (no pun intended).

Mike, I have searched but that can be quite time consuming to go through. I guess my question to you is what top did you use, material if it is custom or brand.if purchased.

Jim, Are you adding this to your slider?

Jim Becker
03-03-2007, 9:12 PM
Jim, Are you adding this to your slider?

Indeed I am! "Poor Man's Shaper"...the saw/shaper combo was way over what I could pull off, so Bench Dog to the rescue! I am documenting this process and will post a thread once I get farther along.

I will say, however, the Bench Dog products are outstanding in quality. These are the first I've purchased and I'm sorry I didn't do it sooner.

Mike Heidrick
03-03-2007, 10:19 PM
Well, before the sawstop and routerstop I had a Delta 36-752 with a 52" Unifence. I remade the extension table using two pieces of 3/4" MDF, edge banded that 1.5" MDf with 1.5"X1.5" Oak with mitered corners (biscuit joined and glued to the MDF), and then laminated the entire table top. I have a Woodpecker PRL and used their template plus an insert I made to route out the hole. When I joined the two sheets of MDF I glued and screwed them but I had laid out all table leg mounting holes and the hole for the lift so I knew where NOT to use screws. Here are some pictyres for you - old camera pics so forgive the quality of the images. When I sold the saw that table left with it (I kept the lift). I was always proud of that table. It worked excellent.