View Full Version : NE Bowl

Bernie Weishapl
03-03-2007, 10:36 AM
As a lot of you have seen I did a NE cherry bowl from green to finish. I made the walls pretty thin for me up to this point. I noticed some of the NE that have been done have thicker walls and of course show the bark a little better. Is there any preference when doing these? In other words would I be better off leaving the walls thicker and doing the DNA thing or just keep going with the thin walls? I like the way this turned out.

Mike Vickery
03-03-2007, 12:02 PM
I like both, on the thick walls I think it makes for a very rugged natural looking piece for the thin walls I think the roughness of the natural edge and the delicate walls create a nice dichotomy.

Ken Fitzgerald
03-03-2007, 1:05 PM
Bernie......I've only done a few NEs but in my limited experience, I try to let the bark determine the wall thickness. If the bark is staying in place, take it thin. If the bark wants to come loose, leave it thicker.