View Full Version : "Weekend Doin's"

Karl Laustrup
03-02-2007, 6:13 AM
Friday March 2nd, 2007

I hope everyone had a good week? Mine has been rotten. :( Between the weather and picking up a cold last weekend, I've spent most of the week in bed. :(

The weather hasn't helped much either. Yesterday rain/sleet and something else, which has now turned to snow. In a little while I'll go out and see how long it takes before I fall flat on my butt with the snow covering the ice. :eek: That should break up any ice. :D

It is the weekend though. What's on the agenda. Hopefully some WW'ing, or shop time at least. :) If not, maybe some family time. :) Whatever you do make it enjoyable and above all make it safe.


Guy Germaine
03-02-2007, 7:14 AM
I'll be spending some time in the shop this morning, working on my Demilune table. After LOML and kids wake up, it'll time to start bathing and grooming the dogs for the show on Saturday and Sunday. That will take most of the day.

Doug M Jones
03-02-2007, 8:02 AM
It was such a shame that my place of work cancelled today due to weather. Can you say 3 day weekend!!! :D LOML and I are going to spend the day cleaning and organizing the basement to make room for the new tools I hope to purchase in the next few months to outfit the shop. I hope to get to Lowes tomorrow to purchase the wood to build Bob and Dave's Good, Fast and Cheap bench over the weekend. Also building some Oak gates to put across the doorways to the kitchen to keep a couple of big dogs out of the newly remodeled space. Cindy will kill them if they scratch her new cabinets.

Guy, what kind of dogs do you show? LOML doesn't miss a dog show on the directtv.

Guy Germaine
03-02-2007, 8:19 AM
We show Newfoundlands.
This is my daughter's dog, Isabella. She's been showing for about a year now.

This is our newest puppy, Bandit. He will be 7 months old on the 8th. I will be showing him for the first time this weekend.

Matt Meiser
03-02-2007, 8:19 AM
I hope to finish up work on my outfeed table and build a fence for my router table. Unfortunately I think I also need to spend some time polishing up my resume--I don't think I need it yet, but things are getting ugly at my place of work.

Tyler Howell
03-02-2007, 8:35 AM
If some of these northern creekers can dig out and get down here we're going to head over to the WW show in Saint Paul. Call my plow man to dig me out.
Cleaning house, a little plumbing,
Helping out a couple lady friends with home projects.
I have a dinner date with my daughter this weekend.
Have a safe weekend.;)

Mike Langford
03-02-2007, 8:43 AM
They are beautiful dogs and BIG! If you're bathing and grooming those guys today I know you're gonna be busy all day!:eek: :D I hope Bandit has a great 1st showing.

I'll be finishing up a couple of display shelves for my oldest son and then do some shop maintenance. It rained ALL day yesterday and I need to put a coat a wax on my machine surfaces......

Have a great weekend everyone......and I hope you get to feeling better Karl.

Guy Germaine
03-02-2007, 8:48 AM
Actually, they're not big YET, Mike. :eek:
Isabella will be 2 yeard old in August and weighs 101 pounds. She should top out at around 125. Bandit is only 7 months old and weighs 90 pounds. He should top out at around 140. :D

Mike Langford
03-02-2007, 8:59 AM
...Actually, they're not big YET, Mike. :eek:....

....I KNOW that's RIGHT! ;)

Al Willits
03-02-2007, 9:17 AM
Tonight fixing the friction disk on my snow blower, and blowing snow, blowing snow, blowing snow...then doing the neighbors sidewalk as they're on vacation and dummy volunteered to do hers if it snowed, which its done twice...and still doing...

Work is trying to decide if they need two people tomm and if for all day....I'm the extra tech, so Sat is still up in the air.
Worse case is I'll work and probably blow more snow....

Then hopefully go back to making sawdust, the raised panels I'm trying are coming out really nice (for me) and Beasty even likes them...:D

No big deal to most, but this was my first attempt at them and it really is a good feeling to finally get something that actually looks good, kinda makes all the frustration and band aids so far worth it..:)

Sunday if I can still move, I'll continue with the CD storage cabinet and hopefully start polying it.
Have a safe and well weekend


John Timberlake
03-02-2007, 9:51 AM
We're supposed to get some snow tomorrow, but I plan to go to the turning club meeting anyway. They I will be starting the lumber prep for a set of 8 chairs I am making for my daughter to go with the dining table I made her.

Steve Kohn
03-02-2007, 11:24 AM
No shop type fun for me this weekend. I leave for Singapore and Indonesia mid-day on Sunday. Saturday will be spent getting ready.

For everyone's reference Singapore is 9,598 miles from Chicago, and 20 hours and 44 minutes flying time (one stop in Japan). I get to repeat the experience in reverse the next weekend.

Ken Alcott
03-02-2007, 11:38 AM

Great dogs! We had a Newfie and they are wonderful. Good luck with the show and enjoy the snow. I know the dogs will;)

Paul Johnstone
03-02-2007, 12:01 PM
Got to work Saturday :mad:

Going to try to hang some DC ductwork on Sunday. I can't even walk through my basement with all that 6" pipe laying all over the place. I've also got 15 windows that I am putting poly on that are in the way. I can't wait until spring to get those windows hung and out of the workshop.

Doug M Jones
03-02-2007, 12:13 PM
Thanks for posting the pics Guy. The dogs are gorgeous. I'm especially taken with Isabella.

Singapore ??? I'm envious, I get to Des Moines a few times a year and that is a big trip. Would love to travel more but LOML has 4 dogs and shows rabbits so we can't be far from home for very long.

Took a Price is Right break and now back to organizing the basement.;)

Guy Germaine
03-02-2007, 3:30 PM
Yeah, she's a beauty. Give her another year or so to fill out, and she should REALLY look good. Bandit is only 7 months, so he has a lot of growing to do. He should be a good looker too, as his grandfather won Best of Breed at Westminster in 2000 & 2001. :D

Dave Hale
03-02-2007, 3:59 PM
Will be spending the weekend unwrapping a 5hp Sawstop and Rikon 10-325 Bandsaw! Both have been delivered, one by my B-I-L, the SS by Woodcraft out of Delaware (no sales tax). Can't wait to get home. :)

Jim Becker
03-02-2007, 4:08 PM
It's my weeked "off" from swimming/karate duty, so it will likely entail some woodworking related activities. I'm also going to tag along with Robert Tarr for a visit to another local lumber provider that I haven't been to. Wood suppliers are somewhat like clamps...you can't have "too many" of them available!

Fred Voorhees
03-02-2007, 6:18 PM
I hope to finish up work on my outfeed table and build a fence for my router table. Unfortunately I think I also need to spend some time polishing up my resume--I don't think I need it yet, but things are getting ugly at my place of work.

Matt, I know how you feel. I'm in construction, so being laid off every once in a while is nothing new to me. I average a week or two every year as it averages out. In fact, I was laid off today. Sort of crummy timing since on the 14th I'll be going on temp dissability for a carpal tunnel operation on my left wrist. I will have a full week in-between then and now and I forgot that NJ now has no "waiting week" involved in unemployment, so I'll be getting monetary satisfaction for next week anyway. Then after that, it will be six weeks (at least) of recuperation from the wrist surgery. That pay is well up there to where it's almost what I make for working a full week so, things aren't that bad.

With all of that being said, the weekend for me will find me drawing up plans for a platform bed that I will be making for my niece. I'm figuring on building much of the base out of hardwood plywood and I want to get the major cutting done next week while I have full use of both hands. Once those cuts are made, I'm figuring on being able to continue with the rest of the construction two weeks or so after the surgery. If this one is anything like the right wrist, I remember being able to use it somewhat at that point. That will serve to keep me occupied and happy in the shop while being off from work. Hoping to do a little shopping for a new vcr/dvd player/recorder this Sunday to replace a dieing vcr unit in our bedroom.

Nancy Laird
03-02-2007, 6:26 PM
Not much shop time for LOML this weekend - he had radioactive seed implants for his prostate cancer today, and he's feeling very tired--in fact he's sleeping off the anesthetic right now. I'll probably be in front of the computer and lasers most of the weekend, as we have 7 jobs stacked up to do. I also have a couple of special pens to turn, and tomorrow I'm participating in an adult spelling bee at our local library as a fundraiser for the Friends group. Wish me luck! I might get a plaque if I win. It's cold here in Albuquerque, wind is blowing hard, and I'm thinking...



Ken Fitzgerald
03-02-2007, 7:38 PM
I'm on call at work for all of eastern Washington this week and weekend. If I don't get called to a hospital....turn 12 bubinga knobs. If I get those done...I have some freshly cut maple burl and some apricot and a new Jamieson that needs breaking in and some apple and some birch ........Boy do I want those knobs done!

Bryan Somers
03-02-2007, 9:39 PM
Its my weekend to work But I did get a new toy(jointer) :D assembled today. I know no pics did,nt happen, the LOML has the camera. I'll post pics soon though. Hopefully I will get to take advantage of Woodcrafts 10% sale tomorrow before work.

David Wambolt
03-02-2007, 9:49 PM
I'm hoping to put up the last few pieces of drywall up in my recently built shop. I built it for my aunt a couple of years ago, just to replace a single car detached garage that was quite frankly, scary to be in. I ripped it down, built a 20x23' shop with dual 12' doors so you can drive through into the rear yard. Well now I'm buying the house and have spent a lot of moolah on electrical, insulation, drywall, OSB for the attic space, lighting (T8). I have been working on the electrical, insulation and drywall for about the last four weeks. I should be taping and muding tomorrow. I built a drywall lift out of my Genie Mix-N-Match lift that is like a mini fork lift capable of lifting 800lbs. Once my drywall is completed, textured and painted (by next weekend), I'll order my 1.5 ton Mini-Split HVAC system that will give me heat and air conditioning for the shop. It's going to be so nice to have a place to work. I wish I had built it bigger, but hey it's better than nothing. :) So that's my weekend doin. I took this whole week off just to focus on my shop. I'm getting so close now... I can't wait. It was so nice to terminate that last circuit into my 100amp sub-panel today. I can almost put the electricians tool belt away too! :)

Chris Jenkins
03-02-2007, 10:40 PM
Working on Finishing a box project that is long overdue. Also hoping to play at the lathe for skew practice. Sunday may bring a friend and we may try plumbing in a sink for the basement (I really miss this from my old shop)

Dennis Peacock
03-02-2007, 11:18 PM
Howdy Karl,

Gotta work this Saturday and been pulling some long hours this week.

Currently finishing up the construction of the dresser/changing table for our friends at church for their new baby. Also still tinkering with the arched ends of that kitchen table. I never told the customer I couldn't do it, just said I could do it. It may take me a while to get it all figured out, but I will get it done. ;)

Doug Mason
03-02-2007, 11:19 PM
I got a rivit gun and will be attempting to work w/some 26g sheet metal (never worked with it before). I'm also going to try working w/some aluminum to see how badly I can make a square (from the shopnotes magazine)! I just got a spring-loaded center punch--and I was confused at first what benefit this would have for me over my tried&true center punches & hammer? Well, this one packs a little wallop and puts a pretty good center hole in whatever you're trying to center for drilling.

Ted Miller
03-03-2007, 12:00 AM
Rockler at 8:00 am, then to the shop to work on my new fence for my Miter/RAS station, than back to making cabinets for the kitchen...

Eric Wong
03-03-2007, 12:44 AM
Still trying to finish up my ClearVue cyclone piping installation.... didn't get much time this week to work on it, and goin' skiing Sunday. So Saturday is it...

Jeffrey Schronce
03-03-2007, 12:49 AM
Many hundreds of feet of red oak flooring in my house. Just got finished ripping everything out. Fun.