View Full Version : Gros Stabil Clamps..What's to length you use the most?

Rick Reinsma
02-28-2007, 3:25 PM
I am thinking about buying some and wanted to know what length to buy. I know every project is different but was curious which you use the most.Thanks ...Rick

Brad Trent
02-28-2007, 3:29 PM
My general answer would be that it depends. If you need to do large slabs or carcases, that would drive you towards the longer (more expensive) clamps. Otherwise, size them to the job. Several 24" and 40" are ones I find useful. Of course, as you often hear, you can't have too many clamps.

Darroll Walsh
02-28-2007, 3:32 PM
They are on closeout at woodcraft currently.

Ted Miller
02-28-2007, 3:35 PM
Man thats a tough one, I can't say one size is better than the other unless you build the same item over and over again, 6"-60" and all sizes in the middle are used...

glenn bradley
02-28-2007, 3:39 PM
I have many longer lengths but am surprised that 24" is what I use most followed by the 32"-ers.

P.s. If you think a carefully chosen few will do the job, dream on.

Dan Lee
02-28-2007, 3:43 PM
I really like GS clamps I find I need more 12 and 24, seems like when I need 12s I need a lot more than I have. I have found Allprotools dot com every day price is usally better than others sale prices

Lars Thomas
02-28-2007, 10:21 PM
Here's another vote for 12 and 24"ers

Mike Henderson
02-28-2007, 10:29 PM
I have all lengths (of Besseys) but the 12" and 24" are the ones I use the most.

But when I was getting started and didn't have any, I bought long ones because I could use the long ones to clamp small stuff but couldn't do the opposite. It was just inconvenient with the long bars sticking out.


03-01-2007, 2:43 AM
I too have Besseys (get them for Christmas from my daughter) But the last time she got Gross Stabil cause she couldn't remember the name. They were horrible. If you tightened them too much they wouldn't release. I finally returned them to HD and got more Besseys. The 24 inch ones are very handly but not if you need the 48s. If I could only have a few they would be the longer ones. A bit unweildy but still better than anything else.

Fred Mc.

Paul Johnstone
03-01-2007, 8:48 AM
It depends. If you already have long pipe clamps, I'd load up on 24" ones.

If you don't have any clamps, buy a mix of mostly 24" with a few 40 and 52 inch ones..

I have too many 40" and longer Besseys. Sure, they can be used in glue ups, but it's not as convienent.

Jim Becker
03-02-2007, 4:42 PM
In my assortment of parallel clamps, I have quite a few 24", two 31", quite a few 40" and four 60". The 24" and 40" clamps get the most use, although there are many times that I feel I could use a few more 31" units. The reason for my last statement is purely safety...when you must use clamps that are substantially longer than the job requires, you need to remember where those ends are sticking out so you don't accidentally make "violent contact" with some body part or another. (I have a small scar on my forehead as a permanent reminder of that fact...)