View Full Version : Newbies first project since Jr High

Doug M Jones
02-28-2007, 10:51 AM
I haven't created anything since Jr. High shop class and since my 30th high school reunion was last summer, it's been a while

I made 3 of these boxes. I work for 2 women and wanted to make their Christmas presents this year. SWMBO took the time spent on a project for other women better when she found out she was going to get one as well, hence the need for 3. Since I vastly underestimated the time it would take to complete as well as overestimating the amount of time available, they got a picture of a jewelry box with a promise to complete them by their birthdays which are in the next couple of weeks.

This forum has been an immense help and I appreciate the advice I have been given. These aren't up to the quality of most of the other Creekers projects but I am pretty happy with them for a first shot. I hope the recipients will like them as well.

The box is red oak and the splines, top and handle are walnut. I didn't have plans that I liked so I used components of several plans to come up with what was built. Next time, I would make the top tray shorter, it is 1 3/8" deep and it is difficult for my fat fingers to reach the bottom of the little divided segments. I would also use solid walnut for the top instead of the walnut ply I used. Overall it was a lot of fun and I look forward to your constructive criticism

I hope the pictures are attached.

Jim Becker
02-28-2007, 10:53 AM
Beautiful work, Doug!! Outstanding, even!

Ken Fitzgerald
02-28-2007, 10:54 AM
Nicely done Doug! Don't wait as long to do your next project!

John Timberlake
02-28-2007, 11:00 AM
Nice looking boxes. I like the design you came up with. Better late than never, eh.

Ted Miller
02-28-2007, 11:17 AM
Nice work Doug, joints are very nice...

Rich Torino
02-28-2007, 11:18 AM
great work Doug, look foward to seeing more

glenn bradley
02-28-2007, 11:48 AM
Very nicely done. Welcome back to WWing.

Bruce Page
02-28-2007, 2:45 PM
Very nice Doug. Your shop teacher taught you well!

Brad Trent
02-28-2007, 3:34 PM
Great looking box. This should count for a raise.