View Full Version : Durn It!!

02-26-2007, 10:21 AM
I started working in the evenings doing some moonlighting, getting paid extra for extra stuff. I got to thinking I have a pay check coming up that would take acare of half the lathe, get the rest on the next paycheck. She should go ahead and let me order it before the sale ends right???

LOML finally agreed for me to get the palmgren lathe they had for the past 2 months for $299 with free shipping!!!

Well stinking Amazon.com screwed it up for me. I went to get on and make an order, NO FREE SHIPPING!

SWMBO, being the penny pincher she is, "NOPE $150 to ship it too much.":( I felt like crying, picture a grown man crying over a machine he almost got.

Mark Pruitt
02-26-2007, 10:29 AM
Sometimes it is just a question of which route to take to the dog house, but that destination remains the same.

Neal Addy
02-26-2007, 10:36 AM
Give it a few days. Since it ships from Amazon they may change the shipping deal. These things go back and forth.

You might even call them and see if you can swing free shipping. Since it's not being shipped from a 3rd party they might go for it.

Steve Schlumpf
02-26-2007, 11:03 AM
Tyler - Amazon changes shipping charges all the time. I ended up going somewhere else because of shipping and right after I got my new lathe - you guessed it - Amazon had free shipping again! It's hard to do but it may be to your advantage to wait it out and save even more money.

George Conklin
02-26-2007, 11:49 AM
I kinda have to agree with your spouse on this one. $150 seems like a lot. You could use that $$ to buy some much needed turning and sharpenig tools. I'm with the others on waiting a little while longer and see if the shipping charges drop. Good luck.

02-26-2007, 11:50 AM
Oh yeah, definately waiting. Just frustrating. I was totally stoked, to just have my hopes dashed 15 minutes later.

Keith Burns
02-26-2007, 12:01 PM
Just go ahead and buy it. Remember this.....it's always easier to get forgivness than it is to get permission.:) :eek: :D

John Hart
02-26-2007, 12:52 PM
I think Keith's right. My dad always said that the sign of a true leader is someone who will instinctively take the initiative and the risks, act on those instincts and suffer the ramifications later if those decisions were incorrect. Stand tall!!! Buy the Lathe!!

see ya in the doghouse;) :)

Frank Kobilsek
02-26-2007, 12:59 PM
I coined the phrase 'Woodturner's wives are the best people in the world' but I think my buddy Keith is pushing it.

Keith, remember Tyler is from Texas where even the women can have guns.


02-26-2007, 1:35 PM
There is no can have guns. My wife is a better shot than I. And that's coming from some one who shoots pretty well. I don't wannt to have to stand 300 yards away at all times due to a tool purchase. I just figured you guys always post your gloats. I figured I post the almost gloat, but not quite, sob story. Thanks for the laughs and I'll be waiting impatiently for the free shipping again.

Paul Engle
02-26-2007, 1:43 PM
Woman with gun ????? :( oooo , I'd wait, told son in law to get hobby he and wife can share..... woman with gun is not sharing:eek: , either she'll change or deal will change, patience is a virture but hard to learn. Doing the right thing is mark of true manhood.

Dick Durbin
02-26-2007, 2:07 PM
Sometimes it is just a question of which route to take to the dog house, but that destination remains the same.

I know that's right! I figured I was really in for it the other night when LOML called from the computer room, "Honey, how do I get online to check the Mastercard bill? I haven't seen it since they have been E-mailing it to you."

I'm waiting for her to ask me about all those Woodcraft and Highland Hardware charges. She's going to pick just the right moment and spring it on me.

Of course, I have always operated under the assumption that it's easier to get forgiveness than permission.

Christopher Hunter
02-26-2007, 6:27 PM
I have to say i'm in rather the same boat but without moonlighting...
which means No cash --
I want to get the jet 1642 but my wife says no way ,so I guess I will have to wait for a few bowls to sell or something--
I plan to not mention it again because I don't want to end up ---Sleeping with fishes --
The last lathe I baught , I told her that was it ---- Now, what am I supposed to say when this lathe is better than the first?????
Endless vortex ------

mike fuson
02-26-2007, 6:49 PM
Tyler, I think its time for you to put your foot down and be the man of the house, unless she can fight better than you, then stay in the dog house:D