View Full Version : Gloat!!!

Ryan Cathey
02-25-2007, 12:16 PM
I was in an indoor flea market just looking at stuff I couldn't buy and after I hit the usual spots(there is one in each aisle with a couple tools) I went down the one aisle that usually doesn't have tools just to check. In one booth there was a table with a rusty brace that caught my attention but didn't hold it for long. Once I put down the brace, with less care than I picked it up with, I rounded the table and what to my prying eyes would appear but a 28 inch back saw attached to a miter box you may have heard of. That's right, a Stanley 358 but not just any 358 a Sweet Hart model A-358. Which in case you didn't guess it's made of aluminum. So I ran out to the truck and asked my grandmother for the(and here's the gloat) 15 bucks I needed to buy it!!:D I don't know if it being aluminum adds any value or not but it was less rust to clean. I'll try and take some pictures with my phone and post them on here soon.

-Ryan C.

Jim DeLaney
02-25-2007, 3:58 PM
...a Stanley 358 but not just any 358 a Sweet Hart model A-358. Which in case you didn't guess it's made of aluminum. .. 15 bucks I needed to buy it...I don't know if it being aluminum adds any value or not but it was less rust to clean...

You stole it! My ten year old Walter's Guide shows the A-358 at $250.00 ~ $500.00 if it has its original 28" X 5" backsaw with it. FYI, it was made between 1925 and 1941.

Quite a score! Congratulations!

Ryan Cathey
02-25-2007, 4:03 PM
:eek: Uh....speechless!!!!!!!!

-Ryan C.

Clint Jones
02-25-2007, 4:12 PM
The model A358 is quite a find. You can expect to get around $250 to $350 depending on the condition and if the saw is indeed the original. If it is a SW the saw should be made by Henry Disston and have the SW logo also. Another version of the saw that came with the 358 will be by Simonds Saw Works and have something like made for the Stanley Rule and Level Co. New yada yada Mitre Box etched on the blade. The simonds saw will also have the simonds logo on the top rail. Oh did I mention YOU SUCK!!! Great find one of the harder Aluminum tools to find by Stanley (If anyone knows where an A45 is let me know!).

Ryan Cathey
02-25-2007, 4:14 PM
It seems to be all original except I think one of the feet may have been replaced with one from a cast iron version but besides that everything is intact!!

-Ryan C.
P.S- My first "you suck"! I'm so happy!!

Dave Lehnert
02-25-2007, 4:42 PM
Remember-No pic, it did not happen:)

Jerry Olexa
02-25-2007, 5:08 PM
Priceless......Happy for you!!!

Michael Gibbons
02-25-2007, 5:40 PM
Remember-No pic, it did not happen:)

I'm with Dave, Nice story though!;)

Ryan Cathey
02-25-2007, 5:48 PM
Three apoligies: They're from my phone so they aren't that good, my room is a mess, and it's still in pieces for cleaning. Also that isn't pitting on the saw just thick rust.

-Ryan C.

Ryan Cathey
02-25-2007, 5:50 PM
I wish I would've thought to ask the lady at the counter for the tag but she cut it off and threw it away lol!

-Ryan C.

Clint Jones
02-25-2007, 6:26 PM
Ryan dont you know it isnt nice to steal from old ladies! I bet the guys with the tool booths in that flea mkt will be kicking themselves if you ever get a chance to talk to em. What do you plan on doing with the mitre box? I know some on the forum would say use it and I usually would but with this piece I would suggest not. A regular 358 can be had for a lot cheaper and really isnt as collectable so I would suggest going that route. I wouldnt clean it up too much it looks pretty nice as is. You may want to take some fine steel wool the saw blade to remove the light rust and discoloration. It indeed is the original saw which was made by Henry Disston for stanley. If you plan on selling it the nuts on ebay might pay a premium. If it were mine I would just hang on to it because you dont see them every day or you could just send it my way and I'll take it off yer hands.:D

Ryan Cathey
02-25-2007, 6:29 PM
I was thinking of ebay because I think since I have a plane infliction I'm addicted to cast iron and would rather have that model anyways. My uncle has an ebay account I may try that. If I do what kind of reserve should I put on it?

-Ryan C.

Clint Jones
02-25-2007, 6:37 PM

I wouldnt put a reserve on it. It will bring enough intrest without one and I promise you will get a premium out of it. I figure around $300 more or less. If you need help on how to list it or such I can help you out. I sell a lot on ebay and I am also a power seller. If you have a plane addiction get help soon. Maybe we can work out some kind of trade for it??? I have any kind of plane you will ever need.

Ryan Cathey
02-25-2007, 6:39 PM
Oooo that trade sounds interesting but so does the 300 bucks! I don't know I'll have to mull it over for a while. But you know me and my type 11 addiction;)

-Ryan C.

Ryan Cathey
02-25-2007, 6:59 PM
I think I would like some info about selling on ebay if you want to PM or email me that'd be great. I can't sell being 16 but I could get my uncle to do it for me.

-Ryan C.

Ryan Cathey
02-26-2007, 9:56 PM
I have officially decided on ebay and have contacted a family friend to sell it for me just in case anyone was wondering what I was going to do.

-Ryan C.

Ryan Cathey
03-06-2007, 8:34 PM
Hey everybody! As you may or may not know I posted the miter on ebay about a week ago but pulled it with one day left because some other guy and Clint were the only ones to bid on it and it was only at $2.02. Well, shortly after I pulled it I got a total of 5 people asking about it. I decided not to re-list and after a day or two of negotiating I am selling to someone who was watching it on ebay for 225 dollars plus shipping. Just thought everyone would like a followup. Thanks again for all your help! Oh BTW that means you need to chalk another gloat up to your's truly:D and in case anyone was wondering I'm going to have my grandmother take me out to eat and I'm paying.

-Ryan C.