View Full Version : Holiday gift idea

Alan Turner
12-08-2003, 2:09 PM
Went to an open house last night, and saw a "true" cork board. It was a simple mitered picture frame, but inside the frame was a collection of wine bottle corks, glued in place oven some unseen backer baord,to cover the entire field.
So, for all of you who drink enough wine to make this a possibility, I thought I would share this with you as an idea for an inexpensive gift. I am told that push pins will not work nearly so well in beer bottle caps.

John Miliunas
12-08-2003, 2:16 PM
Wow! And here I thought that was a totally original idea! I refer to "that" as being, a friend of mine asked me to make him a 2'x3' frame when I get my shop setup, so that he can do the exact same thing! Apparently, he and his wife have "collected" enough of those corks to fill a sizeable area!

Don't know about the beer bottle caps, but remember when flip tops on cans were removeable and all the chains made from them? I can remember a few parties....Ahem. I mean, we used to collect a LOT of those from soda cans, of course. :rolleyes: :cool: