View Full Version : Another dumb question....whats a Mustard?

Bill Wyko
02-22-2007, 5:21 PM
What's a mustard? I'm guessing it's a lathe of sort. Pics would be nice please.

Dario Octaviano
02-22-2007, 5:21 PM

Keith Burns
02-22-2007, 5:25 PM
Depending on who you ask, a Mustard is better than a Mayo.

Dario Octaviano
02-22-2007, 5:27 PM
Are you referring to Mayo or Mayo Lite?

I have a mustard ...a great machine but I won't hazard to say it is better than a Mayo.

Bill Wyko
02-22-2007, 5:30 PM
I just went to the website for powermatic and they only show 2 lathes. Out of this world price and outta my budget price.:confused: :eek: :mad: Maby someday when I can make a little money on my turnings. And now you've done it! I have to ask another dumb question....Whats a mayo or are you just messin with me?

Gordon Achterhof
02-22-2007, 5:35 PM
Powermatic is mustard and mayo is Oneway. Even higher priced than PM.:eek:

Bernie Weishapl
02-22-2007, 5:35 PM
Mayo is a Oneway which is Andy's favorite and Mayo lite is a Jet.

Jim Becker
02-22-2007, 5:39 PM
And there are other flavors, too...

Frank Kobilsek
02-22-2007, 5:43 PM
I prefer Miracle Whip in reference to my Jet, Thank you very much.


Proud Jet 1642 user, yet lusting all these new Mustard units being delivered to my fellow Creekers. Now that its Lent, I think lusting a new machine would violate Commandment # 10. (or is it #9)

Bill Wyko
02-22-2007, 5:45 PM
:eek: Sometimes it's fun being the new kid on the block. LMAO:D Does that make my jet mini a mini spini?

Ken Fitzgerald
02-22-2007, 5:48 PM
My Jet Mini is Mayo Light........

Dario Octaviano
02-22-2007, 5:48 PM
:eek: Sometimes it's fun being the new kid on the block. LMAO:D Does that make my jet mini a mini spini?

Still a Mayo Lite...in sachet LOL (I have one too BTW).

Travis Hirst
02-22-2007, 5:53 PM
And there are other flavors, too...

Just curious as to what you would call this color?:rolleyes:

Bill Wyko
02-22-2007, 5:53 PM
I figure when I get a bigger lathe I'll use my mayo lite for my beal 3 wheeler.:D

Dario Octaviano
02-22-2007, 5:55 PM
Just curious as to what you would call this color?:rolleyes:

Some referred to that as relish...not sure if that counts.

chris del
02-22-2007, 6:02 PM
This is a funny thread. You guys are nut cases... I want to become a turner because of it.


02-22-2007, 6:03 PM
I guess my lathe would be grey poupon, cuz it's crappy?????:p
Buffalo lathe, never even found info on it!

Bill Wyko
02-22-2007, 6:04 PM
Just curious as to what you would call this color?:rolleyes: Pickles, lettuce or fried green tomatos.:D

Travis Hirst
02-22-2007, 6:07 PM
Guess that would mean we almost have a full sandwich here huh>????:)

Kurt Rosenzweig
02-22-2007, 6:57 PM
All on a sesame bun!:D

Mark Pruitt
02-22-2007, 6:57 PM
Just curious as to what you would call this color?:rolleyes:

Mark Cothren
02-22-2007, 6:58 PM
(Insert background music of Beverly Hillbillies theme song)

Come and listen to a story 'bout a turner named Hoy(t)
Poor yankee boy had a lathe that was a toy
Then one day when he was turnin' on a block
Out through the wall went the Mayo's headstock

Gone, that is... dead lathe... scrap metal...

Well the next thing you know ol' Hoyt is in a pickle
Tryin’ to find a lathe, but he’s being mighty fickle
Says he wants “the best” and he needs it here today
So he orders up some Mustard to be delivered right away

Heavy duty, that is… Mustard gold… laaaaathe heaven…

Andy... the first step on the road to recovery is admitting you have a BURNIN' DESIRE FOR SOME MUSTARD, BAY-BEE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Travis Hirst
02-22-2007, 7:00 PM
Now that right theres funny:D :D

Travis Stinson
02-22-2007, 7:03 PM


Bill Wyko
02-22-2007, 7:17 PM
You guys are killin me:D :D :D :D

Keith Burns
02-22-2007, 8:16 PM
Well while you guys set back and argue over mustard and mayo, I'll just go to the shop and smile while turning on my 16" delta.:p

Brian Myers
02-22-2007, 8:36 PM
Then what the heck is Palmgren blue????

Doug Shepard
02-22-2007, 8:58 PM
Just curious as to what you would call this color?:rolleyes:

Refrigerator science experiment. I just checked my fridge and the color is spot on.

Ken Fitzgerald
02-22-2007, 9:01 PM
This is a funny thread. You guys are nut cases... I want to become a turner because of it.


First requirement...be a nut case..2nd requirement....start building your sandwich!:eek: :rolleyes: :D

Belinda Barfield
02-22-2007, 9:35 PM
Mark Cothren, you are a dream! I always turn to the Turners Forum for entertainment, and you guys really deliver. I am going to have this song going around in my head for days! I hope some day to actually meet some, or all, of you in person. Keep up the beautiful work. Talent is a treasure. It must be wonderful to have a hobby/job that is so satisfying, and I am sure on occasion is frustrating. But either way, you are doing something you love. How lucky is that?!

Brian Brown
02-22-2007, 9:38 PM
This is guacomole. actually I wish you guys would stop this. You are making me hungry.

John Hart
02-22-2007, 11:07 PM
Then what the heck is Palmgren blue????

Like George Carlin said once, "There is no blue food"

....'cept maybe the mold in some cheeses!!;) :D

Neal Addy
02-22-2007, 11:22 PM
ROTFL!! Mark, I'm saving that one in my "keep forever" file.

Andy Hoyt
02-23-2007, 12:08 AM
One more stanza Arky boy and I'll poof ya but good. :D

Mark Cothren
02-23-2007, 12:21 AM
The closing tune from the BHB

Well now its time to say goodbye to Andy's Oneway junk
It throwed a rod and cracked a head and has a clanging clunk
You're all invited back next week to see Andy big and bold
As he saddles up and falls in love with high class Mustard Gold.

Y'all come back now - ya hear?

Travis Stinson
02-23-2007, 12:29 AM
Mark Cothren, you are a dream!

Belinda, you sure that's not a nightmare????? :eek:


Seth Poorman
02-23-2007, 12:45 AM
Ok - What (food) do you call this 1987 PM model 90 its my new lathe
and its gold not mustard ???????????:confused: I dont have it yet , its on its way via freight...!!!:D

mike fuson
02-23-2007, 12:48 AM
Mustard is better than custard:D

Seth Poorman
02-23-2007, 1:04 AM
Ya Mike but Custard tastes better than mustard...:D

Christopher K. Hartley
02-23-2007, 7:38 AM
Like George Carlin said once, "There is no blue food"

....'cept maybe the mold in some cheeses!!;) :DWhat! you never heard of blue cheese? I'm getting close to ordering my "Salt and Pepper".:)

Dang, I missed the second part of your post, sorry!

John Hart
02-23-2007, 7:50 AM
Ok - What (food) do you call this 1987 PM model 90 its my new lathe
and its gold not mustard ???????????:confused: I dont have it yet , its on its way via freight...!!!:D

Looks like Toffee Seth!!! I like Toffee.:)

Mark Pruitt
02-23-2007, 8:24 AM
Then what the heck is Palmgren blue????
Moonlight Margarita Mix comes to mind.....;)

Kurt Rosenzweig
02-23-2007, 8:31 AM
Congrats on the new lathe Seth! Looks like a sweet piece of old iron!

Ken Fitzgerald
02-23-2007, 8:38 AM
Like George Carlin said once, "There is no blue food"

....'cept maybe the mold in some cheeses!!;) :D

Poor George...out there on the left coast......has probably never had blueberry jam.........or forgot that he did.......:rolleyes: :D

And it's great on toast......a form of a sandwich!

Mark Cothren
02-23-2007, 8:40 AM
Belinda, you sure that's not a nightmare????? :eek:

Aw man... oh well, my lovely wife thinks they look okay... well, at least she's gracious enough to lie and not hurt my fragile feelings...:D

Travis... you don't REALLY want to start a "pictures you wish were never posted" thread, do you??? :eek:

Belinda Barfield
02-23-2007, 9:04 AM

Thanks for posting the pic! I wouldn't argue with a man's wife. If she is happy, then I am very happy for them both. :D


What an intriguing idea!!

Bill O'Conner
02-23-2007, 10:10 AM
Travis... you don't REALLY want to start a "pictures you wish were never posted" thread, do you??? :eek:

not sure but thats a hell of a farmers tan and nice chicken legs( almost the color of MAYO) he got going there:)

Jim Stoppleworth
02-23-2007, 10:35 AM
New mustard arrived 1/15/07. Old relish is now a permanent Beall station.
Love that mustard and this thread!!!:D


Ken Fitzgerald
02-23-2007, 10:39 AM
Ya Mike but Custard tastes better than mustard...:D

Not on hot dogs IMHO.......:rolleyes:

Nice lathe Seth!

Ed Thomas
02-23-2007, 11:03 AM
I've a jar of MUSTARD in the fridge. It's FRENCH as in a friend brought it back from France. Lovely stuff on sweet & sour rye with a slice or 2 of Jarlesberg, Dijon based infused with a tart extract of raspberries. Oh ya ... it's very very PINK. :D

Mark Cothren
02-23-2007, 11:13 AM
I'd have to be on my third Moxie before I'd eat PINK mustard...:D

Mark Pruitt
02-23-2007, 11:16 AM
I bet you could turn Mayo pink with a nice serving of bloodwood...:D

Ken Fitzgerald
02-23-2007, 11:23 AM
You Mustard folks are just trying to get Andy's goat.......:D

Mark Cothren
02-23-2007, 11:30 AM
If he didn't want us to get his goat, then he shouldn't have let us know where he had it tied up...:D

Mark Pruitt
02-23-2007, 1:57 PM
You Mustard folks are just trying to get Andy's goat.......:D
Trying? TRYING???

Heck, we got ourselves a whole mess of goat stew goin' here!:D

Ed Thomas
02-23-2007, 2:32 PM
Heck, we got ourselves a whole mess of goat stew goin' here!:D
Got mustard in the gravy?

Funny thing ... went to the local store for some paint to match the General Intr green. Found a very close match. Needed some more so looked at the label and it was called ... GRASS. :D

Wayne Bitting
02-23-2007, 3:05 PM
My Turncrafter Pro VS from PSI is red, guess I've got ketchup!

Bill Wyko
02-23-2007, 3:06 PM
Who'd a thunk it? Yall made me hungry. I'm eatin lunch.:D

Daniel Heine
02-23-2007, 3:51 PM

I've got a Maytag at home. Named for Fritz Maytag's famous blue cheese, it's my blue Palmgren lathe. Someday I hope to get a mustard, but for now, my Maytag is just fine!!!!

Happy Eating,
Dan Heine

Mark Pruitt
02-23-2007, 4:50 PM
My Turncrafter Pro VS from PSI is red, guess I've got ketchup!
Depends. If you're keeping 'im hot, you got Tabasco!:cool:

Andy Hoyt
02-23-2007, 11:31 PM
Awright Cothren - it's gumballs at dawn for you.

Mark Cothren
02-23-2007, 11:32 PM
Bring it, Nancy... oh, sorry Nancy... bring it, Alice...:cool:

mike fuson
02-24-2007, 1:31 AM
Ya Mike but Custard tastes better than mustard...:D

Custard doesn't taste better than mustard if you love the lathe! Some things you just have to put out of your mind and just get a taste.

Christopher K. Hartley
02-24-2007, 8:27 AM
Custard doesn't taste better than mustard if you love the lathe! Some things you just have to put out of your mind and just get a taste.Ok, that's it! I can't stay quiet any longer.
Mustard is for Hot Dogs,
Hot Dogs look like spindles,
Custard is for Christmas Pudding,
Christmas Pudding has the shape of a bowl

Bowl...Spindle, Spindle...Bowl That makes up my mind. Bowls it is!!:D

Mike Turkley
02-24-2007, 8:50 AM
I have been lurking here for a while and just had to post to this funny thread.

I'm a mustard owner since Janurary. Feeling the heat yet Andy?:p

It seems that the mustard rules on this forum!:D

Intro is forthcomming.


Jim Underwood
02-24-2007, 8:50 AM
Mustard is a butt UGLY color on a beautiful machine....

That's my story and I'm stickin' to it. I really do hate that color.

I'd rather have black. Or white. Or blue. Or Red. Or the OLD powermatic green...

But then that's why they make spray paint! :D

Whenever I get a PM I'll paint it another color!

Mark Pruitt
02-24-2007, 9:42 AM
Mustard is a butt UGLY color on a beautiful machine....

That's my story and I'm stickin' to it. I really do hate that color.

I'd rather have black. Or white. Or blue. Or Red. Or the OLD powermatic green...

But then that's why they make spray paint! :D

Whenever I get a PM I'll paint it another color!
I know George will say it when he sees this, but I'm gonna say it first:

Ken Fitzgerald
02-24-2007, 9:43 AM
And so........the Mayo and Mustard War continues.........:rolleyes:

Curt Fuller
02-24-2007, 10:17 AM
I'm thinking that if any of you ever saddled up this old gray mare it would put this squabble about mayo and mustard to bed. Long live the Oliver dinosaurs!

Mark Cothren
02-24-2007, 10:37 AM
Hey Curt, by the look of your wall "decoration" it appears you've been spinnin' some green wood, eh? That is what my shop ceiling looks like...:D

Bill Wyko
02-24-2007, 5:03 PM
Well I told you, you all were making me hungry......I put a deposit down on a mayo 1442vs today. Now I can get midevil on some segmenting. Any tricks I need to know? I feel like a kid in a candy store.:D :D :D :D :D

Keith Cope
02-24-2007, 6:07 PM
Man, all these colors...I suspect I'll need to choose a paint color very carefully for the old Oliver...

Mike Langford
02-25-2007, 12:34 AM
Just curious as to what you would call this color?:rolleyes:

Howzabout....Green Bean - Lima Bean - Pea Soup - Spinach Spinner - Mmmmm, All this food and condiment talk is makin' me hungry!:eek:

Jim Dunn
02-25-2007, 8:51 AM
Been gone for just a month and look at all of you ganging up on poor ole Andy.;) Shame on you!:D:D Now pass the mustard and the mayo I'm gonna have a grey-ish (medium well done) hamburger.

Mark Pruitt
02-25-2007, 9:48 AM
Well Jim, at least the bench it's sittin' on approaches the "right" color!:D

Ken Fitzgerald
02-25-2007, 10:02 AM
Mark....wouldn't Jim's be GREY POUPON?