View Full Version : What is this guy doing????

Glenn Clabo
02-22-2007, 4:53 PM
Well...it all began as a winter project...but will move on into spring.

Jim Becker
02-22-2007, 4:55 PM
Playing in the mud with a trowel that is way too small?? :D :D :D

Dan Gill
02-22-2007, 5:03 PM
It looks to me like he's protecting his forehead from dust particles.

David Wambolt
02-22-2007, 5:20 PM
I hate drywall taping and mudding. I took all next week off to insulate, drywall, tape/mud, and texture my shop. I'm NOT looking forward to it.

Jerry Olexa
02-22-2007, 5:27 PM
Nice hat..I too hate drywall work:)

Per Swenson
02-22-2007, 5:47 PM

I thought that style hat was worn on the back of the head

to hide the bald spot. Nice chin strap on yours though.

And how many people have said, " Awe come on it's a three day job"?

That is when I hand them the tools.

Good luck


David G Baker
02-22-2007, 5:53 PM
It looks like my couple months kitchen remodel that was finished 6 months later.
I did my own taping and mudding, three months later I had cataracts removed. Now that I can see, I did a horrible job. Wish I had waited or hired it done. Next time I will not put any seams near a wall receptacle, what a pain.
Good luck.
David B

Mike Cutler
02-22-2007, 6:10 PM
Why that guy looks like he's doing something I'm getting ready to do.:eek: :eek: :(

Eric Wong
02-22-2007, 6:49 PM
Fleece and drywall mud....bad combo. No comments about the hat.

Lou Morrissette
02-22-2007, 6:55 PM
I'd recognize that uniform anywhere. Your doing the easy part now. It's the sanding that sucks!:(


Jim Dunn
02-22-2007, 7:06 PM
Getting ready to perform an operation of some sort?? Don't want to go under that knife:)

Glenn Clabo
02-22-2007, 7:15 PM
Yawl are very funny...:D

I HATE mudding...and I have a ton more to do. :mad: I had to do this part so the granite guy could come in to measure. My plan is to do half of the rip out and at least rough in...then move to the other side. I roughed in the vanity and the face frame last night. I stopped on the way home tonight and picked up the toilet/sick/faucet we ordered 6 weeks ago.

Here's the face frame temp installed. I love Mr. Kreg...

Steve Clardy
02-22-2007, 7:43 PM

I think yer puzzled expression is-----------
you are wondering why you are getting ready to mud the walls. :D ;)

Ken Fitzgerald
02-22-2007, 7:51 PM
I think the guy looks like he's questioning his own sanity for volunteering to do this job.......He even looks like the co-founder of "Bonkers-R-Us"!:rolleyes:

Steve Clardy
02-22-2007, 7:54 PM
I think the guy looks like he's questioning his own sanity for volunteering to do this job.......He even looks like the co-founder of "Bonkers-R-Us"!:rolleyes:


Glenn saz-----what the bleep bleep am I doing here:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

Dick Bringhurst
02-22-2007, 8:03 PM
I guess I'm lucky. In one and a half houses and two kitchens my wife has done all the taping and mudding and some of the texturing. Needless to say I tell her the job is perfect. Dick B.

Don Bullock
02-22-2007, 10:15 PM
It looks like you're trying to convince me that maybe I don't want to use wall board in my shop.:eek:

Glenn Clabo
02-23-2007, 7:31 AM
Starting a new company..."I.B.Bonkers, INC".....

Jim Summers
02-23-2007, 7:58 AM
Audtioning for a new scary movie comedy?

Ken Fitzgerald
02-23-2007, 8:08 AM
Glenn......I use turning as the excuse for not putting the final coat on the ceiling of my shop! I.B. Bonkers2!

But it's only been a year........

Alfred Clem
02-23-2007, 8:14 AM
This is what happens when, while working at top speed, you stop -- and your yarmulke suddenly shifts forward onto your forehead.

Jim Becker
02-23-2007, 9:35 AM
This is what happens when, while working at top speed, you stop -- and your yarmulke suddenly shifts forward onto your forehead.

Ah the solution is advanced male pattern baldness...the kipa sticks better when there is no hair in the way...:p

Cliff Rohrabacher
02-23-2007, 9:41 AM
He is suffering the torments of the dammed. I despise dry wall work. Can't wait till I have that first primer coat on.

Mark Singer
02-23-2007, 9:41 AM
Looking for his bagel? Now that he found the cream cheese:confused:

Karle Woodward
02-23-2007, 11:17 AM
The two obviouis questions:
1) Why wear a dust mask for mudding?
2) Why wear it on your forehead?

BTW, I like mudding and tapping, but I'd rather hang drywall. It's really cool to see bare studs transformed into finished space, IMO.

Glenn Clabo
02-23-2007, 4:57 PM
[quote=Karle Woodward]The two obviouis questions:
1) Why wear a dust mask for mudding?
2) Why wear it on your forehead?

Obvious answer to both questions...
It's on the top of big bald head to keep it from falling on it and sliding into my eyes.;) :D :D :D :D :D :D

p.s. - You like mudding???? That's just not right. :eek:

Michael Cody
02-23-2007, 9:02 PM
[quote=Karle Woodward]The two obviouis questions:

p.s. - You like mudding???? That's just not right. :eek:

It's odd I personally like sanding and finishing wood, but I HATE!!!!! drywall .. I either panel or put the drywall up and hire my nephew who is a journeyman drywall/plaster to come, mud, tape and finish for me.. then I prime & paint. I don't MUDD ... EVER!

I did one whole house in my youth and learned why my old man had a completely paneled or t&g pine our house.. never never again!

Bart Leetch
02-23-2007, 10:01 PM
Heck I think your just farting around. Now pull that mask down & turn the fan on.:o

Gas Gas Gas:eek: :D

Andy Hoyt
02-23-2007, 11:28 PM
Schlop that stuff on there like mad, Glenn. Work it in again and again and again, so it sets up real good.

And if it doesn't turn out so well - there's nothing to worry about. The paint will make it look just fine.

I only had to follow this procedure fourteen times before the missus finally understood the value of subbing this phase out - which is, of course, the real purpose of this approach.