View Full Version : Grizzly 2007 Catalog. UPDATE

Dave Lehnert
02-21-2007, 12:33 AM
A little over a week ago I posted a message if anyone had received their 2007 Grizzly catalog as I did not receive it the first of the year as in the past. The President of Grizzly tools responded to my message personally and said if I faxed him my address he would see I received one right away. Well I faxed out my address on Friday, received the catalog in the mail on Tuesday. Not bad considering Monday was a holiday.

Thanks Grizzly.

Keith Outten
02-21-2007, 1:29 AM

The new 2007 Grizzly catalog is a monster and will require some serious time to view it's contents. I spent some time today checking out Grizzly's mill/drills as we need one at CNU to machine keyholes in plaques and signs.

Shiraz Balolia, the President of Grizzly Tools, is a Member here at SMC and has been great about helping our Members with problems or requests concerning all things Grizzly.


John Bailey
02-21-2007, 3:14 AM
I've not gotten mine yet. But then, it's much cheaper not to get it for awhile.:)


Stan Welborn
02-21-2007, 5:48 AM
I filled out the form online, but haven't received one. Makes it fairly easy to not see something I can't live without. I can view it online, but that's a pia.

I think I need to look at it like John. Maybe I should send some of these others that I HAVE received, back.:D

Bill Lantry
02-21-2007, 7:54 AM
"I can view it online, but that's a pia."

Truer words were never spoken. If the owner of Grizzley is listening, someone should tell him the way they do their catalog online is a nightmare, and breaks just about every usability rule on the web. His web guys know this already, but some manager somewhere just doesn't get it, and it's costing them orders every day. If I ran the University website the way that manager runs his site, we'd have half the students we do... ;)



Don Bullock
02-21-2007, 9:16 AM
Dave, I'm glad to hear that you got your catalog. As has already been said, it's a monster. I didn't know that all those things were available. As I work through the planning stages of my upcoming projects on my "to do" list, I go throught the Grizzly catalog for ideas on tools I need. While I've only purchased one item fromthem so far, I say for sure that it's only the first of many.

Paul Douglass
02-21-2007, 10:21 AM
Not to start any trouble, but what do you find so bad about their online catalog? I've never had any trouble with it but anytime I've gone there I've been looking for something specific. I do find the the prices are not up to date or at least don't always match the paper catalog.