View Full Version : I'm in the club!!

Greg Curtis
02-20-2007, 11:50 AM
I finally ordered a lathe:) . I ended up choosing the Jet Mini as a starter. I'm sure I'll want bigger in the future, but considering that I'm going to mainly be making turkey calls, I figured the Jet Mini was enough for now. I'm hoping the quality is as good as other machinery they make. Unfortunately, it is not due to arrive until the middel of March:(

I'll probably have ALOT of trial and error, but I'll post pics when I make something decent. Thanks for all the advice!!

John Hart
02-20-2007, 12:01 PM
Tis not a club!!! Tis a never ending swirling bottomless vortexial abyssal....from wence there's no return nor salvation. Clubs have coffee. We have Ice Cream!!;) Welcome Greg!:)

Bernie Weishapl
02-20-2007, 12:09 PM
Ditto what John said. It is a very very very deep dark black hole of which there is now no return. :eek: :eek: :p

Welcome Greg. Now it is time to have some fun.

Andy Hoyt
02-20-2007, 12:18 PM
If there was a bottom to this thing and you could see it from the top, you'd see me waving you off.

Since there isn't, and you can't -- heed these words carefully:

Come on down! :D

Glenn Clabo
02-20-2007, 12:22 PM
Middle of March??? Well at least you'll be able to get a few counseling sessions in before then...cuz ya gonna need em...

Congrats...I think.

Ken Fitzgerald
02-20-2007, 12:24 PM
Greg.....I got that little Jet Mini..great little lathe..it was given to me by the inmates here.........it's kinda like holding someone down and injecting drugs for their first time.......It's addictive.....and you've fallen into a bad crowd.....me included!:D

Nancy Laird
02-20-2007, 12:33 PM
Greg............It's addictive.....and you've fallen into a bad crowd.....me included!:D

Wait just a darned minute! A "bad crowd"???? No way! I'm not bad, and I'm part of this crowd, I think?? This is probably the nicest, most helpful crowd on the 'net. If you had to fall in with "a never ending swirling bottomless vortexial abyssal....from wence there's no return nor salvation" as John says, there is no better place to have done it! These guys are just yanking your chain, and they are all VERY good at it, 'specially Andy.

Welcome to the "never ending swirling bottomless vortexial abyssal....from wence there's no return nor salvation" - and have fun.


(Just kidding, Andy. You know I love ya!)

Andy Hoyt
02-20-2007, 12:36 PM
What, me yank?


Nancy Laird
02-20-2007, 12:40 PM
What, me yank?


Yeah, Andy. You! But we all know that it's all in fun, don't we????

John Hart
02-20-2007, 12:44 PM
You just keep getting better lookin' each day Alfred ;)

Ken Fitzgerald
02-20-2007, 1:23 PM
Wait just a darned minute! A "bad crowd"???? No way! I'm not bad, and I'm part of this crowd, I think?? This is probably the nicest, most helpful crowd on the 'net. If you had to fall in with "a never ending swirling bottomless vortexial abyssal....from wence there's no return nor salvation" as John says, there is no better place to have done it! These guys are just yanking your chain, and they are all VERY good at it, 'specially Andy.

Welcome to the "never ending swirling bottomless vortexial abyssal....from wence there's no return nor salvation" - and have fun.


(Just kidding, Andy. You know I love ya!)

Nancy....no offense intended......Somebody being jovial and smiling and laughing when they lift all the cash from your billfold and max out your credit cards..........They are a "good crowd"?:confused: :rolleyes: :D

Neal Addy
02-20-2007, 1:27 PM
Dante said it best: "Abandon hope, all ye who enter here!"

He must have been a woodturner.

Nancy Laird
02-20-2007, 2:19 PM
Nancy....no offense intended......Somebody being jovial and smiling and laughing when they lift all the cash from your billfold and max out your credit cards..........They are a "good crowd"?:confused: :rolleyes: :D

No offense taken, Ken. I was being funny - I guess I'd better start using smileys more!


Jim Underwood
02-20-2007, 3:00 PM
Ahhh.. just warms the cockels of yer 'art now don't it?

Arrr! Another vict... errr... member of the "club" is now the proud member of the beautiful Jet Mini... Greater turners than you have fallen to her wiles!

Welcome the Dark sided Vortexial Abyss, the never ending spinny adventure!

Your days of "normal" are offically all through...

Hee hee!

Dario Octaviano
02-20-2007, 4:29 PM
Welcome seems appropriate.

You see...the people here who willingly share knowledge, show nice pictures, etc...are like the Sirens of Odysseus. :D

mike fuson
02-20-2007, 4:50 PM
congrats on the mini, its a nice looking little lathe.
One of these days we will all be old and be in rehab together talking in a support group about the mustard tracks on our arms, except for Andy he will be in the corner clinging to an empty mayo jar. So sad :D

Brett Baldwin
02-20-2007, 4:59 PM
In taking the plunge, it will now be impossible for you to pass a piece of wood without considering its potential for spinning. Even the lowliest, gnarliest, most beat-up piece of scrap wood you've ever seen will have you thinking, "Hmm...I bet I could get something out of that." Welcome to the asylum where we all just go 'round and 'round.

Mark Pruitt
02-20-2007, 5:09 PM
Welcome Greg! It's Hello Vortex Goodbye Wallet from here!:D

Wait just a darned minute! A "bad crowd"???? No way! I'm not bad, and I'm part of this crowd, I think??
We just haven't corrupted Nancy enough yet. We gotta redouble our efforts.;) :p

Bill Wyko
02-20-2007, 5:11 PM
I finally ordered a lathe:) . I ended up choosing the Jet Mini as a starter. I'm sure I'll want bigger in the future, but considering that I'm going to mainly be making turkey calls, I figured the Jet Mini was enough for now. I'm hoping the quality is as good as other machinery they make. Unfortunately, it is not due to arrive until the middel of March:(

I'll probably have ALOT of trial and error, but I'll post pics when I make
something decent. Thanks for all the advice!!
Don't sell your mini short. You can do some awsome stuff with the mini. If you haven't seen my posts of some segmented stuff I've done, check it out. Everything i've done so far has been on a mini and I love the lil' thing. Very solid for its size.:D

Dennis Peacock
02-20-2007, 6:33 PM
Awright..!!!! Another one bites the dust......I mean vortex of the never ending process of emptying ones wallet and bank account. :p :D

Congrats on the order of the new lathe. The Jet Mini is one nice little lathe.

Corey Hallagan
02-20-2007, 9:47 PM
Congrats on the new lathe! You will enjoy it!


Ernie Nyvall
02-20-2007, 11:08 PM
Welcome Greg. These guys are pulling your chain. There is no vortex. I started turning about 2 years ago, and I do now have three lathes... but they were ... all ... necessary.:o

Chris Barton
02-21-2007, 6:08 AM
Welcome. You can make a few extra bucks for your new addiction... er, hobby by selling plasma with me and some of the boys down at the place behind the bus station.:eek:

Nancy Laird
02-21-2007, 8:33 AM
We just haven't corrupted Nancy enough yet. We gotta redouble our efforts.;) :p

Mark, I joined the Creek because someone recommended the Laser forum (I have two lasers and a thriving laser business). Now I find myself reading the turning forum more often than any other. :rolleyes: Am I corrupted? :confused: You betcha! Especially after the contest and auction! I have the bug--and bad. Just wish I had more time to get to the lathe.


Bill O'Conner
02-21-2007, 8:43 AM
I'm not hooked I can stop any time I want :) I'm sure of it ( just not today but maybe tomorrow)

Gary DeWitt
02-21-2007, 11:15 AM
Congrats on your new lathe and welcome.

Now, if you want to reduce that trial and error from ALOT to a minimum, and experience many more trials than errors, follow this link and go spend a little time with people who can help you get started.


Asking questions here and seeing turning there will result in the shortest possible learning curve.

Glenn Hodges
02-21-2007, 11:22 AM
Welcome fellow Southerner please let me know if I might help you.

Dick Strauss
02-21-2007, 1:24 PM
I like to think of it more as a re-education camp (aka cult). The more you watch the pretty wood spin and the curly shavings fly, the more you get hypnotized and mesmerized (or maybe MESSmerized). Then once the wood has broken you, the wood has you under its control like an addict. You'll pay ridiculous prices for wood and tools. You'll go to ridiculous lengths to get the perfect piece of wood. And...you'll be willing to put your body in harms way to let the beauty of the wood out for everyone to see. This is woodturning in a NUTshell!

Hello, my name is a Dick and I'm a woodturner...

Welcome aboard!