View Full Version : Bloodwood and Yellowheart box

Gary Herrmann
02-19-2007, 9:41 PM
If you cruise around the turning forum, you know that I fell into the vortex recently. SWMBO reminded me that I hadn't made the box she wanted for various odds and ends. A turned box was not an option.

My darling bride gave me the specs, materials and basic design. She wanted a lid that would rest on top, no sliding top or hinges. She also wanted me to use a glossy finish this time. It will sit on her writing desk.

So here it is. I forget the exact dimensions at the moment, but its about 15 3/4 x 9 3/4 x 5 3/4 or something like that. Sides and top are 1/2"; bottom is 1/4" - all resawed (kudos to a well tuned bandsaw). Top has a 3/16" rabbet cut into it. It fits very well. This project had a number firsts for me:

Working with Bloodwood
Working with Yellowheart
Making a decorative box (I have no idea why it took me so long)
Using the Leigh jig for anything outside the shop (Did I mention the vortex?)
Ebonizing (how do you spell that?) a pull. I had already glued up some Bloodwood for the knob, but she wanted to try black. Its Maple; I used India Ink.
Using such a glossy finish (3 coats General Finishes glossy - geez its shiny)

The bloodwood tore out when I cut the dovetails - even with sandwiching it between two pieces of ply. My brain storm after I glued it up was to use the marking gauge to avoid that - next time... :rolleyes:

OK, long intro. Here ya go...

Jim Becker
02-19-2007, 10:01 PM
Beautiful piece, Gary...just what the LOYL ordered! (Literally...;) )

Neil Bosdet
02-19-2007, 11:09 PM
Awesome dude!

I like working with Bloodwood but I've never tried Yellowheart.... Hmm.....

Good on ya for breaking from your comfort zone. It's tough...I know...


Corey Hallagan
02-19-2007, 11:41 PM
Nice Gary, I love the combination of woods and the hole thing.


Roy Wall
02-19-2007, 11:48 PM
Well done Gary! When the wife's happy....all is well!!

Jim Dunn
02-20-2007, 8:13 AM
Wow! Gary glad to see it finished. A real pretty project. I could use it on my desk, course I'd need a cosset on top for my coffee cup:)

Ralph Okonieski
02-20-2007, 1:54 PM
Beautiful job ! Nice choice of woods. They go together very well.

Sammy Shuford
02-20-2007, 2:00 PM
It's happened again.

I said to myself (out loud) Wow, very nice.
The LOML said "what's nice, and came to take a look. You know the rest.

It is Very Nice, thanks for sharing!

Eric Wong
02-20-2007, 2:05 PM
Nice work! The General finish is pretty shiny :)