View Full Version : Creekers Weekend Accomplishments....

Dennis Peacock
02-19-2007, 10:23 AM
Good Morning Everyone,

I hope all of you had a good weekend.

Besides working the day job and keeping things afloat there, it primarily keeping everyone in the family at the doctors office. Flu, walking pneumonia, sinus infections, cold......in a way makes me wish for warmer weather, but I like the cold weather because the hot season is so long here.

Now that I have two teens in the house, my oldest is turning 17 next month and my daughter turns 16 in July, presents a whole new perspective for me on life and dealing with issues at home. I find it interesting that the bickering and arguing and such at home isn't much different than the stuff that goes on at work (my day job). I've stated several times that people at work act like a bunch of grown up 4 year olds. And I STILL say that today.:D

Due to me being sick for the last 2 weeks hasn't presented any real healthy attempts at working in the shop. So it's primarily been working at home for the day job or just taking medication and sleeping.

I do plan on getting back out in the shop today, for the first time in almost 2 solids weeks. It's gonna feel good to get back in the shop.:)

I hope that this finds each of you doing well.
So, what did YOU do this weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Al Willits
02-19-2007, 11:00 AM
Good to hear your feeling a bit better Dennis, being sick sucks.

Had a great weekend, got all the coats of poly on the storage cabinet and tonight will install the hardware and bring it inside, this will make you know who happy...:)
Got about 3/4 of the insulating done in the garage and redid some wiring.
Tonight is clean up and start the second storage cabinet, hoping this one goes a bit better, I'm starting to get the hang of all this....:)


David Wilson
02-19-2007, 11:06 AM
No woodworking over the weekend but LOML & I took my mom to the cassino yesterday. Thought I was doing good when I got 4 aces on a poker machine. Paid $200.00. Then my mom hit a royal flush which paid a grand. Who needs to work anymore?

Brian Penning
02-19-2007, 11:13 AM
I kept slogging away on a maloof style rocker and was able to take some new photos of the little sanctuary.


Dennis Peacock
02-19-2007, 11:19 AM

Nice looking "sanctuary" you have there. Excellent job on the rocker.

Glad to see you making some really good progress. Nothing like learning something new and then getting the hang of it. ;)

glenn bradley
02-19-2007, 11:56 AM
Someone had posted about taking on projects you wish you hadn't. I believe it was a table restore that turned ugly. I agreed to make a rabbit hutch for LOML's mom.

Multiple design changes between buying the materials and making the first cut. More changes along the way. How much trouble can a box frame with some wire screen be? Anyway it will be outta the shop tonight and none to soon.

I should say that I am happy to do this for her mom but I can't help but see time being spent that I selfishly want to spend on another project. :rolleyes: Now, get that corner cabinet for my dad's office finished up and I can get to the next thing "I" want to do. :)

Don Bullock
02-19-2007, 11:59 AM
Good morning Dennis. I'm glad to hear that you are finally feeling better and are planning to get in some shop time today.

I got put two coats of poly on the trophy base I'm making, organized my pegboard with some new Talon pegboard tool holders (a project that is still in progress), hung some bins to hold all the screws I ordered from McFeely's last week and I cut some plywood for a top to my drill press cart. Yesterday I spent most of my day enjoying the Daytone 500 and all the "hoop-la" attached to it. The race was great. Today I'm off from teaching, but it's turned colder and is raining. It's not a good day for a final coat of poly, so that will have to wait until later in the week. Since we both have the day off my wife wants do do some shopping so I'll go along. Her plans are to go to a mall that happens to be very near to the Rockler store and my hardwood supplier.:D She doesn't know it now, but I'm planning on a couple of detours on the way home.;)

Al Killian
02-19-2007, 12:22 PM
Dennis, glad to see your getting back to yourself and able to tackle some projects.

Brain, the rocker is looking great. Can not wait to see it finished.

For me the weekend was spent cleaning up a 50 year old scroll saw. That I snag for 25 bucks. The other project is refinishing some chairs for a lady. The chair had/have five coats of paint Fromtop coat down white,brown,muave:confused: ,white then finaly a hunter green. I will be glad when these are done.

Fred Voorhees
02-19-2007, 1:10 PM
Spent some time this weekend applying the final finish coats on the sideboard project that I have been working on for our son for his upcoming wedding. Finished it up this morning (Mon) applying the hardware. http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?p=530740#post530740

Also attended a Daytona 500 party/fundraiser Saturday night as a guest speaker with two other long time area fans and those who have worked in the sport. We talked for an hour and a half or so about the history of the sport and some of the top names on the local dirt track circuit and the tracks in the area. I'm pictured below in the sweater on the left. It was an honor to be on the same panel with Ken Kuhlman, the gentleman with the microphone, as he has been a long time columnist and one of the first that I turned to every week way back when I was a teenager.

Sunday was a little bit of work in the shop and most of the day was spent with the gang in front of the tv in the bar room taking in the 500.

John Timberlake
02-19-2007, 3:24 PM
Went to the account to get the taxes done. Going to cost us money this year. Need to change the deductions, I guess.

Worked some more on my daughter dining table. Had already put on oil based pore filler, so I sanded that, put on General Finish brown mahogany gel stain (partly to color the pore filler, partly to darken the walnut slightly, and partly to even out the sap wood). Then two coats of wipe on polyurethane (many more coats needed). Glad to be getting toward the end of this project.

Dan Forman
02-19-2007, 4:43 PM
I've been working on a drillpress table, might be able to finish up today. My sister calls my shop "The Kingdom", has a nice ring to it, so I guess I'll adopt it.

Glad you are feeling better Dennis.


Luke McFadden
02-19-2007, 5:21 PM
I ordered my first router (Bosch 1617 dual base kit w/ free accessory pack) and a 15 bit set from Amazon. I'm eagerly waiting to use it!

Didn't have a chance to build anything this weekend, but I worked some more on getting some CAD files of different canoe paddle templates.

Looking forward to this weekend.


Sammy Shuford
02-19-2007, 6:55 PM
Good to hear your are feeling better!

I now have all the milling and cutting for the Aquarium stand I am building and stacked on the workbench. I started the face frame today.

Jim Shaver, Oakville Ont
02-19-2007, 8:33 PM

This weekend we celebrated Chinese New Year!

Happy New Year!


Christina is another one of Dana’s Sisters…..it’s a joy to share in the Chinese culture even if we are not.:)

This is the year of the Pig and I was born in the year of the Pig in 1959, this must be my lucky year!:)

02-19-2007, 9:09 PM
I'm finally seeing the possiblity of completion on my basement finish project. I layed down 500 sq ft of laminate flooring this weekend and just have some trim work and painting to do and the main area and utility area will be pretty much done. I am saving the bathroom until the rest is moved in to and all the furniture is out of my shop. Hopefully just a couple more weeks. I'll probably take a little break once my shop is cleaned out before tackling the bathroom.

Ken Fitzgerald
02-19-2007, 9:12 PM
I played the whole weekend..............In West Yellowstone, MT and Yellowstone National Park.........Don't feel the least bit guilty!:D

Gary Eneberg
02-19-2007, 10:16 PM
Thought I'd share my weekend project. Been hanging around for a few years, but just started to participate.

This is the last radiator that needed to get covered. Face frame solid oak with plywood sides and top. Line inside with refective insulation, leave back open. These take an ugly hard to paint household fixture and makes them look classy.



Neil Bosdet
02-19-2007, 11:48 PM
Happy New Year to you! My son is in Vietnam travelling SE Asia at this time so I've had lots of reports on this celebration. Cute kids. Wish you well!

Chris Jenkins
02-20-2007, 10:19 AM
Was nice to get in the shop Sat morning. After exploding three bowls and ruining one platter, I decided it was time to get away from the bowl gouge and try my hand at the skew. I made two pens and it was really fun! One out of scrap cherry and one from Wenge (pre cut blank). THe Wenge didn't turn out, but the Cherry did. I'd post a picture, but the pen has been snatched away from me already by one of my family members!

I also worked on my "office" area of the shop. I moved the PC and started working on mounting some shelves to put all my magazines on. This is still a WIP and is low priority on the list of things to do.

Larry Fox
02-20-2007, 10:58 AM
Saturday: spent some much needed time with my sons (5 and 2).

Sunday: spent the day doing someting no one in my physical condition shoud do - sledding. There is a monstrous hill in a farmer's field behind my brother's house. All the adults estimate that the fast part of the run is at least 1/4 of a mile with a gentle landing into a briar patch. Most fun I have had in years.

Monday (off for the holiday): Laid a floor in my mud-room / entry way from the garage to the house. It has been on the honey-do list for a while now.

Between Sunday and Monday, I am SORE today. :)