View Full Version : Apach Pin Nailer

Rich Torino
02-16-2007, 11:07 AM
My local tool store is carrying a line of nail guns by Apach.
I've never heard of them before.. Does anyone have feedback on these?? I'm looking at a 23 guage pin nailer they have for $135.. I know there are better buys out there but I always try to do some business locally..

Dave Sweeney
02-16-2007, 2:55 PM
I can't say as I've ever heard of them either. Here is a link to their website (http://www.apach.com.tw/company.asp?about_id=200612140001).

Rich Torino
02-19-2007, 11:26 AM
Thanks Dave,
I've checked their web site.. Doesn't really tell you much..
My local toy(tool) store tell me that they sell quite a few of them mainly to contractors... I just might have to try on out and see....

glenn bradley
02-19-2007, 11:51 AM
If they have a good warranty and return policy I might give it a try. I tried this one:


during a sale for $60. They seem to go on sale a couple times a year. The point is I hadn't heard of them, folks at the store said they hadn't had any bad feedback or returns and the tool has worked perfectly for almost two years.

If you can get the tool in your hands and it seems to be made well I would try it. However as you stated; at that price there are a lot of well known players.