View Full Version : Kudoes to Turners

Hilel Salomon
02-13-2007, 4:40 PM
Having had shoulder, knee and eye surgery as well as a killer cold, I found myself at the computer too long and too often during the last few months. As a consequence, I've been looking at and occasionally participating in several forums including woodturning, woodworking, gardening, and those for forestry and arborists.
Turners are hands down the most helpful, encouraging and friendly of the forumists (is there such a word?). Every question I've asked and those of others gets helpful, informative replies. Every photo of a turning gets a positive and encouraging series of responses.
Unlike some of the other forums-though even there most people are friendly- I don't see a lot of ego here and definitely no p---ing contests. As a-hopefully reformed- frenetic consumer, I'm always looking to see what people recommend and I noticed that the difference between the responses here and elsewhere is marked. All of you are to be commended for your exceptional kindness and patience. You are one more reason that I love woodturning.!!!

Kurt Rosenzweig
02-13-2007, 4:52 PM
Well Said Hilel! This is hands down the best forum on the net!:D

Glenn Clabo
02-13-2007, 4:57 PM
Well...I guess you haven't run into the wrath of Mr. Hoyt yet...;)

Well said Hilel...well said...

Andy Hoyt
02-13-2007, 5:14 PM
Well...I guess you haven't run into the wrath of Mr. Hoyt yet...;)

Well said Hilel...well said... Oh fuss and bother, Glenn. :D

I kinda liked what he said.

Ken Fitzgerald
02-13-2007, 5:18 PM
Well...I guess you haven't run into the wrath of Mr. Hoyt yet...;)

Well said Hilel...well said...

That's only when he having the dt's.....coming off Moxie......:D

Daniel Heine
02-13-2007, 5:27 PM

I agree, the members of this forum are a fine group of peoplke who are more than willing to share their knowledge. I also belong to a couple of wood carving forums, and it is the same way with carvers. Amazing group of people.


Gordon Seto
02-13-2007, 5:31 PM
Of course, most of the turners like myself sinking every penny into this dark hole; we have nothing to hold tight to our vests. We like to spread the misery around.

Sometimes, I feel like I am a US Senator, deciding how to spend others' money - especially money they don't have, they can't afford.


John Hart
02-13-2007, 6:40 PM
I've said this before, Turners live on the edge and suffer an amazing amount of humility in what they do. After you've been bit, stabbed, smacked in the face and watched your work blow apart after hours and hours of painstaking care.....it just makes you kinda humble. And everyone is in the same boat.

I like 'em. They're great people.:)

Gary Herrmann
02-13-2007, 6:43 PM
'course we could just be dizzy from watching those chunks o wood spin around...

Bernie Weishapl
02-13-2007, 6:45 PM
Well said Hilel. Like John said I like'em.

Ken ya got to admit Andy is ok. :cool: ;)

Keith Burns
02-13-2007, 9:36 PM
Turner's Forum ???? This is the Turner's Forum ???? Man, I thought it was the Flatwork Forum. Oh, well, now I know why that cabinet I've been working on isn't working out right:eek: :eek:

Ken Fitzgerald
02-13-2007, 9:54 PM
Well said Hilel. Like John said I like'em.

Ken ya got to admit Andy is ok. :cool: ;)

Well Bernie If you say so........Andy is ok!:)

So are the other folks here who threw me into the Abyss! I've said before....I'll say it again.......My wife will tell you ........I've found a new passion since I recieved that lathe a year ago........I stay broke but passionately broke!:D