View Full Version : New (old) 14" Bandsaw

Fred Haydon
02-13-2007, 11:44 AM
I 'inherited' a 14" bandsaw last night from a good friend of mine who is going through a divorce. It is a "Builders" brand saw, factory painted a vibrant blue and made in China. It has a manufacture date of 5/97. My searches have turned up nothing.

The BS is nothing fancy, but since the only BS I've had until now was a 9" Ryobi that was a hand-me-down as well, I'm not complaining a bit. My first order of business will be to clean it, fix it up and then tune it up. I don't plan on "tricking" it out, but it will cut smooth and true when I'm done.

Has anyone out there heard of or seen this brand before? My buddy indicated that he purchased it from a hardware store about 8 or 9 years ago, but didn't remember which one. I'll post the 'before' pictures when I get a chance.
