View Full Version : For Arkansas woodworkers

Zahid Naqvi
02-12-2007, 11:53 PM
Since late last year myself and Dennis have been talking about starting up an Arkansas woodworkers club/guild/group/whatcha-may-callit, but then we got into the holiday season and couldn't get back to it till now.

I have no experience with how this thing might work. Our feeling is that there are a lot of hobbyist, semi-pro and pro WWers in Arkansas and it would be of mutual benefit to have a common platform to exchange ideas, tools, tips and tricks, and to just plain meet and greet.

The URL for the above mentioned group/mailing list is http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ark-woodworkers/
if you have a yahoo email you can join the group by clicking the "Join this group" icon on the top right corner. If not I can add you if you email me your real name and email address at zrnaqvi@yahoo.com. I wanted to ask anyone interested to join the group and let's start discussing how to shape this. Some of the members here at SMC who have similar organizations in their geographic regions have volunteered to help. I am sure we will be asking them for advice frequently.

I know that I will get very busy starting summer (several work related and personal things coming up) so I wanted to get this kick started and rolling before summer.

Rick de Roque
02-13-2007, 12:34 AM
I sent you an email to add me to the list.

Randy Davidson
02-13-2007, 6:18 AM
Thanks guys. I think this is a wonderful idea to share and educate. I have applied for membership


Greg Hairston
02-13-2007, 7:43 AM
What about adding Memphis into this. After all we are just next door and it would increase the pool of people


Luke McFadden
02-13-2007, 7:45 AM
I've emailed you as well. Now, if only we all lived next door to each other... you could teach me something and let me borrow your tools!


Ken Fitzgerald
02-13-2007, 9:19 AM
Yeah......and you folks could understand Dennis Peacock's accent too!:D

I suppose Idaho is too far away to be considered for admission....:(

Location discrimination!:D

Zahid Naqvi
02-13-2007, 9:39 AM
What about adding Memphis into this. After all we are just next door and it would increase the pool of people

Greg, thanks for your interest. The initial intent is to get enough people together to make it worthwhile, after that it will be up to the rest of the folks to decide how they want to shape it. In my personal opinion it should be open to anyone who is within driving/flying range. Terry used to do an annual BBQ in NW Arkansas and it was great, I think one year someone flew in from California to participate. But it is a big financial undertaking for one person to arrange such things on a regular basis, but collectively we can do these more often.

Rick de Roque
02-13-2007, 9:47 AM
Have you had a chance to work with that walnut yet?


Zahid Naqvi
02-13-2007, 9:51 AM
Have you had a chance to work with that walnut yet?

I cut some this weekend, to remove knots and splits, but haven't done anything beyond that.

Dennis Peacock
02-13-2007, 3:02 PM
Yeah......and you folks could understand Dennis Peacock's accent too!:D

I suppose Idaho is too far away to be considered for admission....:(

Location discrimination!:D

LOL!!!!! Com'on down Ken. We'd luv to haf ya 'round these parts. Yee ain't gotta have no invite....just holler and let'us know you is comin'. :D

Steve Rowe
02-13-2007, 6:29 PM
Zahid - I don't know if you are aware but there is a woodworking club that meets in North Little Rock at the community center near the I-40 and I-30 interchange. There are a number of members of the Central Arkansas Woodturners that are members of that club and it seems fairly active. I attended a workshop they sponsered last year with Bob Flexner on finishing.

Steve Clardy
02-13-2007, 6:33 PM
Hey!! I'm close. I'm a flatfooter;)

Zahid Naqvi
02-13-2007, 8:38 PM
What about adding Memphis into this. After all we are just next door and it would increase the pool of people

Greg, if you can email me your name and email address I will add you to the group.

Zahid Naqvi
02-13-2007, 8:40 PM
Hey!! I'm close. I'm a flatfooter;)

Steve if you can email me you preferred email address I will add you.

Steve Clardy
02-13-2007, 8:41 PM
Will do.....

Zahid Naqvi
02-13-2007, 8:42 PM
Zahid - I don't know if you are aware but there is a woodworking club that meets in North Little Rock at the community center near the I-40 and I-30 interchange.

Steve I didn't know that. I will look them up on the web. I am not sure where our initiative will go, it is still in it's first day :eek:

Mike Hedges
02-13-2007, 8:53 PM
count me in , sounds great mike

George Leicht
02-13-2007, 9:39 PM
Boy, you guys in Arkansas sure do talk funny!
Yee ain't gotta have no invite - In Missouri, we'd say, "you'ns don' need no invite!

Joe Meazle
03-10-2008, 4:10 PM
I thought I would bump this one back to the top I have noticed some new Arkies as of late.

Richard Wootton
01-22-2013, 6:46 PM
I know this is an old thread, but did anything ever come of the Arkansas woodworkers guild? I'm in Hot Springs and spend a lot of time in Little Rock.

