View Full Version : SMC's Longest Lurker

Chris Lambert
02-12-2007, 8:07 PM
Good Evening Everyone!

After a few years of lurking in the shadows, absorbing as much informaton as possible I wanted to introduce myself. I have been interested in ww'ing for a number of years and finally have the ability to set up shop in entirety for the first time.

My wife and I helped Jim Becker move the MM 315 into his shop, and I wanted to thank him for the time he spent talking to us about setting up our own shop. Jim, great sales skills btw, I have no objections from SWMBO about the budget for the shop.

About myself, I worked 80+ hour workweeks for an investment banking firm for the past 7 years since graduating college. Never had time to do much, outside of spending what little free time with my wife (no regrets at all btw). So, had enough of that switched firms, moved from the greatest city on earth (Chicago) to Bucks County, PA and work for a smaller firm that values their employees time outside of work. Not to say I don't put in a few more hours than some, but I can get away from work to pursue this incredible hobby....woodworking.

Regarding the shop, I have been batting around the J/P Combo, BS, & SawStop vs 5 in 1 Combo Machine. Evidently the EuroShop mentality is being discussed a lot lately, and I'm especially grateful for the older posts by Paul Cresti, Todd Solomon, John Renzetti, Charlie Plesums, Lou Sansone, Bill Grumbine etc. who have spoken about these machines, and picqued my interest a few years back. Over the past few years, outside of each manufacturer there is very little "objective" information anywhere about the various machines. The Felder Owners Group, and Minimax Owners Groups are great but imo slightly biased (maybe they should be, since they are two great machines). SMC is one place where I found the best information with the least bias. Thank you.

So on to the options for the shop - and away with the stock options!

Right now, toss up between Minimax CU300 Smart with 8.5' Slider and the Felder 500 Series, should I go the combo-machine route, If I go cabinet saw: SawStop with either Hammer J/P A3-31 or MM FS30. Decision time is approaching, the shop errr garage is slowing being prepped (electrical, insulation, getting the crap that's in there out, etc.)

I really look forward to making this decision with all of you, your input to date whether you know it or not, is fantastic! I'm really grateful.



Dave Avery
02-12-2007, 8:20 PM
Hi Chris,

Welcome..... and you could do much worse than listening to Mr. Becker's shop outfitting advice. Best. Dave.

glenn bradley
02-12-2007, 8:25 PM
First of all, Welcome! Sounds like you've made some life changes and one of them will be to pursue a hobby you've been thinking about for awhile. Sounds like you've prepared yourself to forgo the old 'used contractor saw to small cabinet saw to real saw' song and dance (this applies to other tools as well). Many of us have gone that route and are still going through it as in my case.

Congratulations on your journey and the great support of the LOYL. As you've already found out there are plenty of folks here willing to give you their war stories; successes, regrets, pointers and tips. I think you'll find it is a wonderful ride and a great way to decompress from the day-to-day grind (no matter how much you may enjoy your career).

I'm a separate machine guy so I'll let others with more experience on the Euros talk about that. Again, welcome.

Jim Becker
02-12-2007, 8:30 PM
Welcome to the "posting side of things", Chris! And thanks again for your help on that "warm" Saturday morning!

You know where I stand on the Euro equipment. I'm really happy with both the stuff AND the vendor. I hope you can take the time next weekend to hop over to Somerset to speak with Sam and at least see what your options are up close and personal.

Ken Fitzgerald
02-12-2007, 8:31 PM
Welcome to the Creek Chris! You could do a lot worse than glean information form Jim Becker! Good luck with your decisions!

Tom Hamilton
02-12-2007, 8:37 PM
Welcome, Chris. Can't wait to follow your decision making, selection and the required posting of your shop/tool photos!

Best regards, Tom

Dick Bringhurst
02-12-2007, 8:42 PM
Welcom Chris - I know you'll like it here. Jim has been a mentor to many people. Again welcome. Dick B.

Jim Dunn
02-12-2007, 9:23 PM
Howdy Chris:)

Per Swenson
02-12-2007, 9:29 PM
Welcome Chris,

Just don't be bashful any longer.

By the way, nice company you keep.


Alan Greene
02-12-2007, 9:39 PM
Welcome Chris,
This, as you have seen is a great place to learn. I look forward to following your journey and once again welcome.

Jerry Olexa
02-12-2007, 10:48 PM
Welcome, Chris...

Don Bullock
02-12-2007, 11:09 PM
Well, Chris welcome to the Creek. While I've never met Jim, I can tell that he a super person. I don't think you can go wrong with his help and advice. I'm looking forward to hearing more about your shop as you get it all put together.

Roy Wall
02-12-2007, 11:57 PM


I don't know what you like to make...furniture, cabinets, etc...? I'm a furniture guy so I prefer a TS, J/P combo separately machines...you could do this with the SS, FS35, and buy a dedicated shaper for the same $$$$ you spend on the CU300 w/ longer slider...correct?

Martin Shupe
02-13-2007, 2:07 AM

If you want to actually try some Felder, before you buy, check out www.kellymehler.com

He teaches a class about how to use Felder machines in Berea, KY.

It would give you a chance to compare the Felder to Jim's fine saw, and perhaps help you make your decision.

(Not to mention Kelly's is a fine place to learn woodworking.)

Von Bickley
02-13-2007, 7:15 AM

Welcome to the Creek... I'm sure you will enjoy being a part of this group.;)

David Cramer
02-13-2007, 7:31 AM
Welcome to the Creek Chris and you're a lucky guy to have Mr. Becker living that close to you. He has helped more people on this site than he realizes. Good luck with your furniture projects and enjoy the snow that is about to come your way from Ohio! Sorry, I can't help you on the slider advice. I own a 3hp Unisaw and will die with it (unless I hit the mega millions tonight!!).


Karl Laustrup
02-13-2007, 7:54 AM
Welcome Chris. Only thing better than getting new stuff for myself is helping other people get stuff. Looking forward to seeing you fill that shop up. :D

I do believe you are thinking about this "hobby" in the right way. If you have the room and the means, obtain machinery that will last you a lifetime. And what a great neighbor you have.


Robert Tarr
02-13-2007, 10:40 AM

First, it was great to meet you and your wife. Sounds like you guys have done a lot of work to your house. Plenty to keep your time occupied.

The offer of a shop visit is always open. I have a bit different shop space than Jim (hoping to fix that soon!) and have a couch and a couple comfy arm chairs too, something that Jim ribs me about (very handy for our annual Autumn party though.) I am still in the process of building up my shop space (have most of the tools though..) and always open to ideas or sharing of info over a good cup of coffee (or bourbon if the tools stay off.) I have the MM16 and FS35 (with mortising attachment, very highly encouraged) and cabinet saw in my shop. Something to compare and contrast too. You can also test drive a bunch of LN hand tools if you would like...I tend to be drawn towards the neander side.

If nothing else, happy to get together for good Mexican food at the local watering hole (Los Serapes) and talk about local sources for lumber etc.

Take care,


Jerry Olexa
02-13-2007, 10:46 AM

First, it was great to meet you and your wife. Sounds like you guys have done a lot of work to your house. Plenty to keep your time occupied.

The offer of a shop visit is always open. I have a bit different shop space than Jim (hoping to fix that soon!) and have a couch and a couple comfy arm chairs too, something that Jim ribs me about (very handy for our annual Autumn party though.) I am still in the process of building up my shop space (have most of the tools though..) and always open to ideas or sharing of info over a good cup of coffee (or bourbon if the tools stay off.) I have the MM16 and FS35 (with mortising attachment, very highly encouraged) and cabinet saw in my shop. Something to compare and contrast too. You can also test drive a bunch of LN hand tools if you would like...I tend to be drawn towards the neander side.

If nothing else, happy to get together for good Mexican food at the local watering hole (Los Serapes) and talk about local sources for lumber etc.

Take care,


Boy!! you guys in Bucks county must live right..Sounds good and I'm a former Pa guy..Enjoy and welcome!!:)

Ted Miller
02-13-2007, 10:57 AM
Welcome Chris, once you get that sawdust in your blood its no looking back. Welcome to the world of never having enough tools...