View Full Version : Question about saw fence

Craig D Peltier
02-11-2007, 4:38 PM
Hi ,Im getting back into woodworking. I have a question about my ridgid fence that came with my new saw. When im pushing a board through it seems to pull away from fence after its gone through the blade mayb 1/8 inch . Even if piece is only 16" long there still shows a gap.
After piece is cut i measure the width an it doesnt fluctuate.

Should I have concern?

Any help appreciated.


Dave Novak
02-11-2007, 4:49 PM
After reading posts on these forums for hours a day over the last week or so, I don't even feel qualified to post my opinion, but I will anyway. I suspect the gap your experiencing happens because the kerf of your blade is roughly 1/8", and after the material passes the blade it's squeezing together about 1/16", leaving a gap by the fence of a 1/16". If your material is uniform width after cutting, you shouldn't be too concerned. Just my $0.02, FWIW.

Bill Lantry
02-11-2007, 5:14 PM

I'm assuming you've got the ridgid 3650? What I found with that fence is that it was ok, it just took a little futzing to make sure it was perfectly parallel each time, and well locked down. Like most people, eventually I got sick of futzing with it and got an aftermarket fence. Most people get an incra, jointech or biesmeyer... I ain't gonna start a debate on which is best. My only point is, while eventually you may want to replace it, if you examine the mechanism carefully, front an back, understand exactly how is works and proceed accordingly, you can do very well with that fence for a few years...



Craig D Peltier
02-11-2007, 6:13 PM
Thanks Bill.

I'm assuming you've got the ridgid 3650? What I found with that fence is that it was ok, it just took a little futzing to make sure it was perfectly parallel each time, and well locked down. Like most people, eventually I got sick of futzing with it and got an aftermarket fence. Most people get an incra, jointech or biesmeyer... I ain't gonna start a debate on which is best. My only point is, while eventually you may want to replace it, if you examine the mechanism carefully, front an back, understand exactly how is works and proceed accordingly, you can do very well with that fence for a few years...



glenn bradley
02-11-2007, 6:15 PM
At first pass, I would double check your fence alignment. You can find lots of stuff on methods and procedures here at SMC through the search function.

Here's an example: http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=35607

john dennis
02-11-2007, 11:29 PM
Craig, I recently bought the 3650 and have had zero problems with the fence. Just the other day I was cutting two inch thick black oak with no problems. I'd suggest you go through the assembly manual and make sure everything is square. Good luck with your TS. I love mine.

Craig D Peltier
02-12-2007, 11:37 AM
Thanks so much everyone.I have alot of good links now to figure out if I have an issue or not. Theres alot of help out there in the wood world.
I cant believe how many people are on this forum.
