View Full Version : Workbench.

Dave Worsley
02-11-2007, 1:57 PM
Iam in need of a set of plans for a wood workbench for my shop. I dont need anything fancy just something so that i can have a area too work from? If anyone has any i would sure love too get some ideas,Thanks for your time.

Mike Weaver
02-11-2007, 2:14 PM
Hi Dave,
Welcme to the Creek!

I might suggest using the search function here as a start:
Try searching in workbench, build, etc

What kind of work do you want to do?
The answer will have a large impact on the type of bench you might want to build.

Either a solid core door, or two layers of MDF with hardwood edging work well for a flat & relatively inexpensive top.

The structure can be as simple as 2x4s bolted together.

Also, here are a couple of sites to get you started:

Hopefully, that helps.

Again, welcome!

Mandell Mann
02-11-2007, 2:24 PM
I just saw a cool plan on DIY ultimate workshop show. go to

02-11-2007, 5:20 PM
I spent a bunch of time deciding what I wanted and planning my own ... only to find an old Wood magazine that had almost the exact same bench. Most of the magazines have good designs around. Try the websites and "shop fixtures" issues. If you want to get fancy, get "The Workbench Book". There are some real nice ones in there.

Ron Jones near Indy
02-11-2007, 6:03 PM
Wood magazine has a nice bench made from construction grade lumber and MDF and/or a solid core door for a top. Mine is rock solid and heavy. I don't know the issue, but I can check on it if you wish. Just send me a PM.

terry hansen
02-11-2007, 6:35 PM
I've found guidance and inspiration from this site http://www.workbenchdesign.net/. There are a lot of good links and references. Good luck and as everyone else says - Post pictures.

Peter Stahl
02-11-2007, 8:19 PM
Looks liek a great site Terry, thanks for the link.

Matt Reeves
02-13-2007, 12:57 PM
After building the top, (solid core door or MDF) consider raising the trim around the sides by 1/4". This will allow you to drop in a 1/4" hardwood panel. The hardwood panel provides a very hard surface, is sacrificial, and can be easily and cheaply replaced after being abused by paints, solvents, glues and spilled drinks that are likely to accumulate over time.

Matt Reeves

Mike Monroe
02-13-2007, 2:27 PM
NYW has a set of plans for a workbench. This was the first project I constructed some 15-20 years ago using my Sears "2 HP Developed" tablesaw. It's not a big, fancy workbench, but it has served me well and will surely outlast me. I think it's perfect size for the smaller workshop.



Dave Hale
02-13-2007, 2:35 PM
If you do the Lowes version, plan on a lot of pain if you want a woodworking vise later. Nothing like have to remove 1.5 inches of glued-up 2X4s to make room for the vise. Going thru that pain now.