View Full Version : Tool Gloat.

Tim Wagner
02-10-2007, 7:43 PM
Had to buy something. Plus i need to fix a table. lol

Jim Becker
02-10-2007, 8:22 PM
Nothing like clamping on to a good deal when you can.... :D :D :D

glenn bradley
02-10-2007, 8:42 PM
Just to prove the old adage correct; I just took a break from the shop as I am out of clamps for a particular function. Almost picked up four "extras" while I was at Rockler this morning. Shoulda done it. You can never have enough.

Ken Fitzgerald
02-10-2007, 8:50 PM
Nice gloat Tim! You can never have too many clamps!

Tim Wagner
02-10-2007, 9:08 PM
LOL they are my first two. I got them at HD. I love HD, but I was at Woodcraft today and they have a much nicer selection. So many selections though it's hard to decide. I'll definatly need a lot more as time go's by, but If I by two at a time then I'll have some when I need them.

Woodcraft had some exotic woods there also. Some brazillian cherry, curly maple, purple hart, cedar and a bunch of others. I need to know how board feet is measured up. I mean BF on a peice 8'X6"x1/2" would be differant than one thats 8'X8"X2" i would assume. i think 4/4 is one inch and 5/4 is 1-1/2 inchs, but is there a 4/5 and how would that work?

Do many of you use scrapers opposed to sand paper? I hear sand paper frays the grain where scrapers shear it off making it smoother?

Lots of hand chiseles, chiseles for the lathes

I think I am in for some fun and a wild ride.