View Full Version : Blank Sizes

Dave Dionne
11-30-2003, 10:56 AM
Looking for some help please,
Now that I have a lathe I want to make some Perfume atomizers, what size blanks should I start with? Can I use green wood or should I start with wood that is already dry?
Thanks for your help

Dave Dionne

Jim Becker
11-30-2003, 11:11 AM
You should use a blank of appropriate size for the project you intend to make...assuming you're going to use a kit for the atomizers, there may be information about that in the instructions. But as a rule, too large is better than too small! :D

As to green vs dry...for projects like this, dry is what you want as you need to maintain sizes. Green wood changes over time; sometimes quickly. Generally speaking, spindle turnings are normally made with dry wood. Bowls and vessels can use either, but green to semi dry cuts easier than really dry. But any project that you need to exactly size something, such as a lidded vessel, you'll be happier with dry material.