View Full Version : grizzly 1023s vs steel city 35606 3hp race

Michael Marcinelli
02-04-2007, 2:58 PM
hello all,
i'm looking for a good hybrid/low end 3hp cab saw. i have it down to either the grizzly 1023s or the steel city 35606. similar specs. any thoughts?


Jeff Webster
02-10-2007, 3:25 AM
I can tell you I love my Grizzly 1023. I wired it for 220V and that gets me 3HP. I almost bought the Grizzly Hybrid, but my wife talked me into spending a couple hundred more for the 1023 because she thought I would want it down the road. She didn't have to twist my arm! The only thing I would do over would be to purchase the cast iron router extension. They have a nice package deal I was unaware of. It costs over $200 a la carte. I never used the other saw so I can't say whether the Grizzly is better.