View Full Version : Sealing a Dust Collector

Justin McCurdy
02-04-2007, 12:05 PM
Recently I bought an Jet DC1200 used from Fleabay but no matter how tight I was able to get the bag's straps, some dust would escape through the openings into the air.

Solution: 1 1/2" wide Camper Seal Foam Tape. It is basically weather stipping, about 3/16" thick that you place around the area of the DC's cylinder that the straps go over top of. When the strap is tightened, it almost embeds itself in the foam tape, causing a really nice seal to form.

It was about $6 for 30 feet at the local Home Depot. Right now the DC is absolutely sealed.

I didn't know if anyone had mentioned this before on the Creek, but here it is anyway.

glenn bradley
02-04-2007, 12:22 PM
Excellent tip. I enjoy the benefit of other's experience and ingenuity. Thanks!