View Full Version : Reverse Chucking

Christopher K. Hartley
02-04-2007, 10:43 AM
I have seen some pictures of chucks being mounted to the tail stock so that accurate centering could take place for vacuum chucking. I can't figure out how this is accomplished and I haven't seen anything in the tool catalogs for this purpose. Can anyone point me in the right direction?:)

George Tokarev
02-04-2007, 10:52 AM

Or just the main site, accessories and tailstock chuck adapters, in case it doesn't execute properly.

Steekin' pressure line on the well froze again. I hate working in the cold. Maybe I'll get to turn today.

Christopher K. Hartley
02-04-2007, 11:00 AM

Or just the main site, accessories and tailstock chuck adapters, in case it doesn't execute properly.

Steekin' pressure line on the well froze again. I hate working in the cold. Maybe I'll get to turn today. George, If it had been a snake it would have bit me!:eek: Thanks so much!:)

Jim Ketron
02-04-2007, 11:01 AM
well this thread got moved so I will post it here.
Chris there are a few that can be used, it really depends on what type of tailstock live center you have. I like the Oneway Tailstock Chuck Adapter It works on the live center and can spin I have found many uses for this great accessory.
Also there is some that has a morse taper that fits in the tailstock this one is fixed. the link at the bottom has diff sizes.
Here is the Oneway adapter if you have the right live center.
1X8 headstock threads
http://www.woodturnerscatalog.com/cg...n&key=130-2400 (http://www.woodturnerscatalog.com/cgi-bin/shopper?preadd=action&key=130-2400)
1X1 1/4 headstock threads
http://www.woodturnerscatalog.com/cg...n&key=130-2222 (http://www.woodturnerscatalog.com/cgi-bin/shopper?preadd=action&key=130-2222)

And here is the morse taper adapter.
http://www.packardwoodworks.com/Merc...s-acc-tlstkadp (http://www.packardwoodworks.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY&Category_Code=lathes-acc-tlstkadp)

John Hart
02-05-2007, 6:06 AM
.....Steekin' pressure line on the well froze again. I hate working in the cold. Maybe I'll get to turn today.

This morning, it's -5F here. I fully expected my line to be frozen too...but nope. I guess the amish know what they're doing. The snow is like concrete though. Endless drifts of concrete. Hafta get out the pick axe.:rolleyes: :)

Jon Shively
02-05-2007, 8:01 AM
Come on over to Indiana, no school today, -12 with a -30 windchill!!!! Wow, not even attempting to do anything in the garage today. Making my decision to create a permanent wood shop this summer with minimum heat supply (my screw ups in the wood stove generate to much heat some days!!! grin). Then I could be really enjoying the day off of school!!!! Everyone be careful. Hey John, bet Levi could use a hand milking cows or scraping the barn or feeding something today!!!!

Mark Pruitt
02-05-2007, 8:06 AM
Dreaming of snow, green with envy........

Ken Fitzgerald
02-05-2007, 9:10 AM
Jon....I'll be Levi would even let John help feed the horsies!:rolleyes:

Bill Klein
02-05-2007, 9:15 AM
Only -16 here. Up nort in the da state a mere -35 to -40 BELOW actual Temp. Who know and really no one around here much cares about windchill only the hype people on the news. A beautiful blue sky and crisp clear morning. Stay warm and don't let da weadder keep from turnin.

Harvey M. Taylor
02-05-2007, 9:34 AM
Didnt know this would turn into the weather channel, but here goes, 56 for a high today, no clouds, schools and businesses open everywhere, no rain in the forecast. much more of this and the grass will start to turn green. AAAHHHH Texas, my Texas. Max

Harvey M. Taylor
02-05-2007, 11:08 AM
Just to add a footnote. Why dont you snowbirds move to Texas. Land is cheap down here. Why, one landowner wants to sell his property. Wants 25.00 an acre. Of course you have to buy the whole 8 million acres. Not expensive if you have a couple dozen producing oil and gas wells, do you think? Just a thought. Max

02-05-2007, 11:19 AM
Yesterday was 58 sunny no wind. Absolutely chamber of commerce winter day.

Shoot out here in the west of Texas we sell it for 200 acre dry and 500 irrigated. I am in the process of talking to a farmer for 20 acres with a house built on his finance so low to no interest. Talking 1800 sq ft house and 20 acres of land for 80,000. That leaves about 20,000 for the shop and tools:D .

Now just to talk the wife into moving further into the boonies!!

Christopher K. Hartley
02-05-2007, 1:43 PM
Thanks Jim, that was helpful. After your post I kept reading and reading and reading...let's just say that Focus isn't, for a lot of Creeker's, their strong suit.:D :D :) he...he...he.:p

Mark Pruitt
02-05-2007, 1:52 PM
let's just say that Focus isn't for a lot of Creeker's, their strong suit.:D :D :) he...he...he.:p
Oh I'm focused (http://www.wmhtoolgroup.com/Shop/index.cfm?navPage=4&iid=6056397) just fine!!!:D Loaded, cocked, finger approaching trigger.....gotta get the aim just riiiiight........when can I pull the trigger?

Christopher K. Hartley
02-06-2007, 5:11 AM
Oh I'm focused (http://www.wmhtoolgroup.com/Shop/index.cfm?navPage=4&iid=6056397) just fine!!!:D Loaded, cocked, finger approaching trigger.....gotta get the aim just riiiiight........when can I pull the trigger?OK Mark, you've restored my faith in your focus and I like what you are focused on!:eek: :)