View Full Version : Tool Gloat-Pics.

John M. Cioffi
02-03-2007, 6:39 PM
Hi All,
Last week I asked for opinions on a Lathe & was thinking of the Nova 1624. So, I went to the WoodCraft store & saw one on this stand- not the stand it comes with.I also bought the outrigger set up for it,but do not have a pic of that,yet.I have some pics of my shop to upload;whenever I get things finished and will post everything then.
I spent the day re-arrainging my tools to provide for the new lathe & the set up is much better for flow & function.
Anyway, I wanted to let you know I am up & running & it is smooth & sweet! Next is finding out what to use to bolt it to the cement floor.With the new stand, the NOVA weighs in at about 320lbs. The previous thread has the pic of the lathe.It won't let me load it here. The thread was - Help with new Lathe purchase.
Thanks a bunch for all the excellent help.
Shop pics will come soon.