View Full Version : Face Shield

Bonnie Campbell
02-02-2007, 5:06 PM
I know I read somewhere that someone puts a clear plastic of some sort on their face shield mask to keep it clean. I use friction finish on some stuff and just had to replace the shield because of 'speckling'. Can anyone tell me what the stuff is you can peel off and replace? I know, it's not like the shields cost an arm and a leg.... but saves money for important things like wood and tools :p

Stephen Hibbs
02-02-2007, 5:22 PM
i imagine seran wrap might work. I'll have to try that out...

Steve Schlumpf
02-02-2007, 5:24 PM
Bonnie, a while back I started a thread about Trend Airshield and one of the respondents 'Dan Faux' suggested using Photocopier Transparencies and some double sided tape. Sounds good to me - I still have 10 shields that came with my Trend but plan on picking up transparencies in the near future.

Hope this helps.

Halsey MCCombs
02-02-2007, 6:02 PM
Motorcycle shops have clear type shields to put over your shield that you just pull off to replace. Also they have Novus plastic cleaner that works real well to rub out scratches. Halsey

Steven Wilson
02-02-2007, 6:26 PM
Airshield Visor Overlay's are available from all the usual suspects; Craft Supplies, Woodcraft, etc. I believe they are made by Trend but the work on other face shields.

Rich Stewart
02-03-2007, 1:08 AM
Bonnie, try wiping the face sheild transparancy with a dryer sheet. Bounce or some such. Keeps all the dust off. Stand off to the side when splattering liquids.

Bonnie Campbell
02-03-2007, 7:53 AM
I've wiped the face shield with a dryer sheet, by the way that's a great tip for static-y dust. But trying to stay out of the way from spin splatter is impossible for me. What's his name on Charlie Brown? Pigpen? That's me lol

I did some looking for the overlay yesterday. Didn't find anything at a 'reasonable' price. I did find some replacement shields that ran less than $3, so maybe I'll just buy some extras to keep on hand. I do thank everyone for their suggestions! :) You're a great help to a beginner for sure.

Bonnie Campbell
02-03-2007, 11:23 AM
Just to give it a try. Since I bought a replacement shield yesterday AND glad wrap, I figured I'd try the wrap out. Well, seems to cling to the mask well enough. Since right now I'm doing a lot of friction finishing it couldn't hurt. It does have a couple spots of glare since I didn't get it on perfectly smooth. But my shield is speckle free! lol