View Full Version : "Weekend Doin's"

Karl Laustrup
02-02-2007, 7:25 AM
Friday February 2nd, 2007


Will he or won't he, that is the question. Even though our winter has been pretty mild, I'd just as soon start spring now. Well, at least right after this cold snap we are just starting. +6 this morning, but it looks like that's the warmest we're going to be for about a week. Minus numbers for overnight lows [double digits] with highs struggling to reach where we are right now. And wind. They are predicting wind chills in the -40 degree range. BRRRRRRRR!!!!

Take a look here http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=47045 and see if there's something that you like. If so make a bid on it. The money raised goes to St. Judes Childrens Hospital.

I'm going to continue with the X-31 project, if I can get the shop warm enough to do so. With a couple of un-interupted hours I might be able to fire that bad boy up once again.

So what's on the agenda for you this weekend? If you're somewhere in the area that's going to be really cold, try and stay warm.

Oh, yeah. There's going to be some kind of game on Sunday. Super Bowl maybe??? While the rest of the year I'm against them, for this day I've gotta go with Da Bears.

Have a good weekend and be safe.


Jim Hager
02-02-2007, 8:01 AM
I'm gonna finish up an order of RP doors, and start another. I got the day off from school yesterday because of a little snow here. I got a head start on the doors because of that. I didn't complain about not being able to go to school:D Teachers love days off too;)

Jim Dunn
02-02-2007, 8:01 AM
Sleep and get ready for the "BOWL". Gotta get my eyes rested:) Maybe some shop time I'm starting a base for a router top I've built.

Ken Fitzgerald
02-02-2007, 10:15 AM
Work on the bubinga knobs and the Bowl...........mixed feelings about the game.....don't know who to cheer on...

Supper tonight at our place for a few close friends...

Dan Gill
02-02-2007, 10:48 AM
We have our church's Men's Retreat tonight and tomorrow morning, and I'm doing a lot with that. I might have a chance to move my daughter's secretary in tomorrow afternoon and attach the doors. Sunday is church, and isn't there some kind of game on?

Brian Thomas
02-02-2007, 10:59 AM
I hope to get a crosscut sled made for the TS with the advice and instruction found on SMC - thanks. First I need to check the saw with the dial indicator I got this week and do any tuning necessary.

I'll also be sitting through the throttling I expect my NC State Wolfpack to receive on the b-ball court at the hands of the hated tarheels from down the road. My wife got me tickets for Christmas so I sort of have to go. I'll be there for the entertainment value. Whether the entertainment comes from the court or somewhere else so be it.

Glad I'm not in the waterpark capital of the world this weekend - brrrr.

Alex Shanku
02-02-2007, 11:13 AM
Ice Fishing all weekend. First time ive gotten away for the weekend since I went to Isle Royale in August.

Jim O'Dell
02-02-2007, 11:17 AM
More work on the walls for the shop rehab. I need to make a progress report to the thread. I'll do that Sunday night. I worked 3 evenings this week for an hour or so in the cold cutting up the salvaged pieces of slatwall and mounting them on the west wall. I need to go back to hanging the lower half of the OSB for the rest of the main shop so I can cut some more slatwall and hang, then it's on the the ceiling and 2 remaining flourescent fixtures and reflectors. Doubt I'll get all of that done, but we'll see come Sunday night. Jim.

Jon Shively
02-02-2007, 11:41 AM
Jim Hager, what do you teach? I teach Agriculture Education 9-12, in the summer I co-teach an outside enrichment science course for 5th graders (licensed K-12).

Jim Becker
02-02-2007, 11:45 AM
He didn't. Early spring... :D :D :D

Well, it's pretty obvious what I'm going to be doing this weekend (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=51001)... :D :D :D :D :D :D

David Wilson
02-02-2007, 12:23 PM
Going to try to stay warm. Predictions are for a high around 10 below sat & sun

Tyler Howell
02-02-2007, 1:27 PM
Invited the neighbors over for a glass a wine and sit bye the fire.
Some shop time. Rebuilding my EC for more stuff. House cleaning and a couple Super Bowl parties.......Who's playing:confused:

Justin McCurdy
02-02-2007, 1:31 PM
This weekend I plan on breaking in the new Steel City table saw (I know, I need pics). The first project at hand is the New Yankee Workshop Router Table. I think I have watched the DVD about 5 times since I bought it, and now that I have the equipment, I am ready to make some dust. Sunday is supposed to be 6 degrees outside so I think that my garage will probably take a dive from 42 to 30. That is a little cold for doing anything so I'll use that time as an excuse to loaf around the house. I really need to get a garage heater.

Al Willits
02-02-2007, 1:51 PM
I'm with Dave in just trying to stay warm this weekend, I'd heard -6 was gonna be the high, but what's a few degree's....
Have to work Sat day, but hope to continue the insulating of the newer half of the garage, will try to get some time on the storage racks I'm building too.
I'll get a chance to play with the new belt sander I bought after using the router as a wood launcher...:)
Stay warm and well.


David Cramer
02-02-2007, 3:23 PM
What Jim Becker said, EARLY SPRING!!!

What am I going to do? Be cold!:rolleyes:

Alex, if you're going on Lake St. Clair, good luck and be careful. How thick is the ice these days? I know it's been cold lately, but.................................be careful dude.
