View Full Version : Stub Tenon rail

John Keane
01-31-2007, 10:26 PM
I am building an Armoire that is in two sections. The top section is 45 1/2" tall. Each side and the back are wood/plywood panels. I am considering adding a cross stile to each panel for additional support and was wondering if there was a rule of thumb as to where this stile should be placed. 2/3, 1/3; 60/40 or just where you think it would be a good fit.
Or is it even necessary? John

Jamie Buxton
01-31-2007, 11:49 PM
If you're gluing the plywood panel into the lumber around it, there's probably little structural need for the extra rail. There's no loads attempting to bulge the panel. However, my taste is to break up huge panels into smaller sections. I'd probably add a rail to break up that 45"-tall panel. I'd avoid the obvious 50:50 proportion, and go for something more like 60:40 (larger on the bottom). Another way to think about it might be to ask where things will go on the interior. Are there shelves or closet rails inside? What will they terminate on? Does that suggest a rail height?

John Keane
02-01-2007, 12:36 PM
Thanks Jamie. Your answer mirrors my thoughts. 60/40 approximately will help support interior design.