View Full Version : Biggest thing I've turned yet...comments/critique please

Joash Boyton
01-31-2007, 3:01 AM
Thanks for looking;)
I turned this today, apologies on the photo quality, it is very big, and was going to cause me to make modifications to my photo studio, so....
The finish is a perfect satin finish, but the photography has shot it right off:mad:
I still have a little work to do on the back....to remove the marks left by the chuck jaws.
I thought for this one, I would go over the top with details, for something different. I recorded every little detail, and here they are:rolleyes::cool:

Timber: Marri--Eucalyptus calophylla
Found: in southern parts of Western Australia.
Size of original board: 60"x24"
Size of original bowl blank as square: (corner to corner) 24"x24"
Size of original blank, when cut as a circle: 21" in Diameter
Moisture content: DRY
Original holding device on front, to shape back of the piece: Woodscrew, when that failed, I used a 8" Faceplate, with 6 one" long screws
Speeds used: (RPM) 500, 750, 800, 1000
Turning status: Outboard
Chisels used: (HSS) 1" bowl gouge, 1/2" skew
Chisels sharpened (times): 8 times for the gouge, once for the skew
Tool rest moved: 16 times (with lathe stopped;))
Time to complete back of piece: 18 minutes
Time to complete front of piece: 22 minutes
Tools used: Lathe, dust extractor, drill press, grinder, and work light.
Holding device used for back of piece: 4 Jaw Vicmarc 120 chuck
Sandpaper grits used: 60, 80, 120, 180, 240, 320, 400, 600, 800, 1200, 1500, 2000, 2500
Finish: Shellawax cream
Complete overall finishing time, from original blank in original board, to taking off of the lathe: 58 minutes
Finished dimensions 20"x3"
Overall time status: 7:35AM, to 8:33AM
Date: 31/1/07

I have included a shot of some of my turnings, I had my studio set up, so thought I'd take a shot. The platter on the left, is not the one, in this thread:D

All comments and critique welcome,

The 15 year old turner

John Shattuck
01-31-2007, 3:35 AM
Holy cats!Gorgeous stuff,Joash. You make a 43 year old new turner feel very old and inept BUT I'm trying to swing that over into inspired.
What are the woods in the last picture? And how was your Australia Day?
Cheers, John

Joash Boyton
01-31-2007, 3:51 AM

The timbers in the last picture:
Left to right.

The platter: Marri
The box with black finial: Marri(base) Lace sheoak out of a root(box) Lace sheoak(lid) African Blackwood (finial)
The semi HF: Spalted wattle
Bowl(next to platter): Banksia
The large box, has a thread of it's own...here (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=49581)
The pens, are Beefwood, Jarrah, and *Padukk.....*spelling??
The bowl with burnt rims: Lace Sheoak
The taller bowl next to it(right): Marri
The large hollow form, with overhanging lip...above them 2 pieces^^: Rippled Jarrah
The large semi HF on the far right, with the thick burnt rim: Rippled Jarrah
The vase: Camphor Laurel
The box, on the left of the vase: Rippled Bluegum(box) Camphor laurel (lid) Cypress pine (finial
The box on the left of that: Exactly the same as that box^
The box on the left of that one^: Sugergum(box) Camphor laurel(lid) Cypress pine(finial)

The frame on the back wall, is holding 2 First prize certificates, for winning an equal first prize for 2 boxes (not pictured) at the 2006 Australian working with wood show last year:)

Thanks, we had a great Australia day, the temperature, was on average of 114 degrees farenheight!!:eek:

If you can make any sense out of this post, that's good:D


Pete Jordan
01-31-2007, 4:00 AM
Excellent work Joash!

You are an inspiration with your talent. Is this the competion that you were going to enter a few weeks ago?

Joash Boyton
01-31-2007, 4:03 AM
Do you mean..."is this for the competition that you were going to enter a few weeks ago?"

If so;) I did'nt have that in mind, and I still havent decided if I will or not;)

Will have to see...
Thanks for the comments, any critique??


John Shattuck
01-31-2007, 4:08 AM
Wow, more woods I've never heard of. But nice!... And a very sensible guide to the photo, thanks.
You shouldn't come here for A. Day, then; right now it is (depending on which thermometer you want to believe) 7 or -3 Fahrenheit. Even going with the optimist one, I don't approve of it getting this cold. Once again, I was not consulted.

Danita Clark
01-31-2007, 7:28 AM
Hey Joash!
All I can say is W-O-W!!! Once again you've done an AWESOME job! I love it!
I hope I'll be able to start woodturning and get as good as you are!:)
Keep it up!

Joash Boyton
01-31-2007, 7:34 AM
Yeah Mr. Shattuck, just like there are a lot of undiscovered American timbers:rolleyes::D

Thanks Danita,
It'll be great to see some of your turnings;)

Thanks for the.....compliments...now...any critique??


Glenn Hodges
01-31-2007, 8:24 AM
Your work is quite impressive as well as your record keeping. I appreciate your posting of your work here and look forward to seeing more of it.

Neal Addy
01-31-2007, 10:33 AM
Really nice, Joash! Beautiful wood and nicely turned.

You're lucky to be a woodturner "Down Under". Here in the States we drool over some of the wonderful woods you have there. Highly sought after!

Bernie Weishapl
01-31-2007, 10:43 AM
Joash that is beautiful. All the turnings are. Someday I may get that good but doubt it. Nice work.

Steve Schlumpf
01-31-2007, 11:37 AM
Beautiful platter Joash! Very nice grained wood, nice finish and really like the form. Do you sign your work?

Really nice looking turnings (group photo). Really like the large vase on upper right side. Very nice work!

Thanks for posting.

Jonathon Spafford
01-31-2007, 12:14 PM
Once again Joash... you've turned out a beautiful piece! You really have lots of talent there! Keep 'em coming !!!

Joash Boyton
01-31-2007, 6:27 PM
Thanks for ALL the comments:)

Yes, I sign all my work, this platter was only a few hours old when it was photographed though:D

I will post a shot of the vase, I am halfway through another vase, that is around 16" high;)

Thanks for all the compliments, I'll see what I can bring out next:)

BTW, should I post a record of what happened with all my turnings? Like whenever I post a turning, should I put the whole record in?


Neal Addy
01-31-2007, 8:44 PM
I really look forward to seeing more of your work, Joash!

You're welcome to post a record on each piece if you like but keep in mind that folks my age usually fall sleep after about a dozen words! I'm more of a picture guy. LOL!

Joash Boyton
02-01-2007, 9:49 PM
Here is a closup of the vase, actually, I did'nt like the finish on it, so I re-did it, I think it's much better...JMO

What do you think?

Camphor Laurel
240-2500 grit
Shellawax cream


Danita Clark
02-01-2007, 10:25 PM
Wow Joash! The vase turned out beautiful!!!!
I love it and I love the grain in the timber!:)