View Full Version : Second Cabinet Project finished!

Laurie Brown
01-28-2007, 4:29 PM
I posted pictures of the first cabinet I made in my kitchen storage expansion/refacing project here: http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?p=456785#poststop

I have finished the second cabinet in the project! Yes, I know, it takes me a while, but the weather hasn't cooperated in a while and my time has been limited by a new job! :)

Here are some pictures with the new cabinet in place. For before pictures of the area, refer to the first thread above.

The first picture shows the diningroom side of the cabinet, with the area built in for the radio, and the other picture is the kitchen side of the cabinet.

glenn bradley
01-28-2007, 4:49 PM
Moving inexorably forward, Laurie takes the next step toward reinventing her space! Great work, please keep us posted as you go. that is assuming the second cabinet (which looks great!) isn't the last in the project.

Bob Reda
01-28-2007, 5:00 PM
Nice looking cabinets, keep up the good work.


Laurie Brown
01-28-2007, 5:01 PM
Oh no, only the second step. :) I have one more cabinet to build there, then on the kitchen side to the right of this new cabinet I'm going to build a floor to ceiling pantry, and a cabinet that will go over the top of the freezer beside it, then refacing all the other cabinets currently in my kitchen to match, making new doors for all.

Dan Forman
01-28-2007, 5:10 PM
Nice job Laurie, I'm somewhere on the path to making new kitchen cabs also.


Frank Chaffee
01-28-2007, 6:41 PM
The cabinets look great Laurie! Nice work.

I also like the step-by-step approach to your kitchen remodel. Breaking a big job like that down into manageable steps makes sense (DAMHIKT), especially when one is working outside the home too.

James Reichman
01-28-2007, 8:09 PM
Nice work! Keep the pics coming:)

Darrick Hartman
01-28-2007, 8:21 PM

Nice job overall. Big improvement from what you started with. My wife and I bought a house last June. The kitchen will be my project for next winter. (I still need to finish the drawers and doors for the bathroom vanity).

The only question I have is about your choice of grain direction on the side of the cabinets. Any reason why you'd go parallel to the floor instead of having the grain go vertical?

Good luck with the pantry. I'm looking for ideas.


Jim Becker
01-28-2007, 8:28 PM
Nice job, Laurie. 'Looks like you added some very useful storage space as part of this project. The cabinets look great.

Laurie Brown
01-28-2007, 8:32 PM

Nice job overall. Big improvement from what you started with. My wife and I bought a house last June. The kitchen will be my project for next winter. (I still need to finish the drawers and doors for the bathroom vanity).

The only question I have is about your choice of grain direction on the side of the cabinets. Any reason why you'd go parallel to the floor instead of having the grain go vertical?

Good luck with the pantry. I'm looking for ideas.


The grain direction was dictated purely by the size of pieces I had to cut and what pieces of wood I had left to build with. For this cabinet, I had to cut the wood in that direction or buy another whole sheet to build the cabinet. Since the sides aren't going to be visible once the cabinet on the other side is done, and you won't see much of the inside either once stuff is piled inside, I didn't think it would matter overmuch. Certainly not to me. ;)

I plan to also redo my bathroom vainities (we have three full baths here), and make some of those little over the toilet cabinets as well. I may also redo our wet bar in the family room someday, since ours looks awful. It has dark paneling for the sides and an orange laminate top! Yuck!

Darrick Hartman
01-28-2007, 8:37 PM
The grain direction was dictated purely by the size of pieces I had to cut and what pieces of wood I had left to build with. For this cabinet, I had to cut the wood in that direction or buy another whole sheet to build the cabinet. Since the sides aren't going to be visible once the cabinet on the other side is done, and you won't see much of the inside either once stuff is piled inside, I didn't think it would matter overmuch. Certainly not to me. ;)

Oh that totally makes sense!