View Full Version : Ebay sub $200.00 2HP dust collectors

Steve Bishop
01-28-2007, 1:34 PM
Anybody have experience with these?
(http://cgi.ebay.com/NEW-2-HP-Industrial-Dust-Collector-FREE-SHIPPING_W0QQitemZ250076989311QQihZ015QQcategoryZ6 %2032QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem)
250076989311 EBAY

It’s a no name, but the CFM number looks good. I was thinking of adding a Wynn Environmental filter kit to it. The only down side I can see is no mention of being able to run on 220V, guess I could ask the seller. This would be in addition to a box fan with a paper filter that I use to help keep the airborne dust under control.

For starters I would use a single hose and move it between the table saw, band saw and router table. In the near future I'm planning on adding a 6" jointer and a lunchbox planer. Due to the space limitations most of the major tools have to be mobile. My shop is half of an attached 2 car garage, my wife’s car gets the other half.

Looking to upgrade from a shop vac, but its cost me in the past and would rather do it right the first time. Yes I'm trying to being cheap (economical).

Would this setup be a viable dust collection system, or should I be looking at a brand name system?


glenn bradley
01-28-2007, 1:39 PM
Looks just like the HF that goes on sale for $170 about every other week. A few folks here have it and say it is OK with quite a bit of after-market fixes like filters, etc. The drift I get is that by the time you 'fix it up' you could have bought a name brand unit and been done with it. That's the feeling I get anyway.

P.s. You've probably already seen this:


Alex Shanku
01-28-2007, 2:03 PM
For under $250 you can get a 1.5hp, 1 micron filter, 4" unit from Penn State. THis is a 110/220v motor.

Best deal out there IMO. Unit functions great and takes care of my TS, jointer, planer, and bandsaw.

Pete Brown
01-28-2007, 2:15 PM
It’s a no name, but the CFM number looks good. I was thinking of adding a Wynn Environmental filter kit to it. The only down side I can see is no mention of being able to run on 220V, guess I could ask the seller.

That looks like a good deal. I wouldn't buy it based on CFM, though. I very highly doubt that CFM number. You can also look at canister filters for the total after something like a Wynn.

There's a similar grizzly right here (http://www.grizzly.com/products/G1029Z), and I also doubt their CFM numbers :p


Dave Sweeney
01-28-2007, 2:39 PM
If that's not a Harbor Freight 45378 Dust Collector I'll eat my hat. Go down to your local HF Retail Store armed with one of their current 15% off coupons and walk out the door with one for around $144 + tax. Trash the OEM bags and put a Grizzly G5556 bag on the top, and bottom and you're good to go for around $200.

They don't have many but this unit is one of Harbor Freights true gems. I've had mine now for over 3 years and it works great.

Steve Bishop
01-29-2007, 5:45 PM
Thanks Glenn, thats the thread that got me thinking.
The info on the HF is what I'm looking for.


Steve Bishop
01-29-2007, 5:47 PM
Dave, can the Harbor Freight 45378 dust collector be wired for 220V?


Dave Sweeney
01-29-2007, 6:06 PM
Dave, can the Harbor Freight 45378 dust collector be wired for 220V?

Steve, Unfortunately, no it can't.

Roy Clarke
01-29-2007, 6:21 PM
There's something not right about the figures. 2HP, 4" hose, 1600CFM? It doesn't sound likely when they claim "DUST FREE" as well. 30 micron is large, so it's letting through the really hazardous dust, and "develops more than 10 times the suction of most shop vacuums", is the sort of claim you could only get away with on an auction site.

Have you tried http://billpentz.com/woodworking/cyclone/Equipment.cfm#DustCollectors ?

I've just made one of the mini cyclones connected to a vac.(It's on this impressive site somewhere) and the performance you wouldn't believe until you see it. I have something very similar to the ebay one, and the amount of dust that gets through makes you cough. Next I will be cutting a sheet to make a 22" dia cyclone which will do the job using a 1.5HP blower. Making this yourself would save you money and ill health, though it does take time..

Art Mann
01-29-2007, 6:49 PM
CFM ratings of dust collectors are a nearly worthless advertising ploy. Manufacturers get these figures from the collector with no hose connected. Nobody operates a dust collector that way. The results you get in a shop setting will vary a lot according to the type and quality of the design and horsepower.