View Full Version : Holiday/Weekend doin's?

Bob Lasley
11-26-2003, 8:47 AM
Good Frid.......er.........Wednesday morning everyone!

Since this is Friday for most of us, hopefully, thought I would go ahead and post this today. We are gathering at my oldest sister's place near Oklahoma City tomorrow for our Thanksgiving dinner. Friday is dedicated to putting up, out and down the Christmas decorations. At least some of the rest of the weekend, if I am lucky, will be spent in the shop furiously working on Xmas projects.

What's in store for your T-day and weekend?

Wishing you a safe and happy Thanksgiving,

Dan Smith
11-26-2003, 8:56 AM
Well, for me tomorrow is dinner with family, have a friend picking up a piece I made for him on Friday. Saturday is shop, er garage, cleanup time, then off to Europe on Sunday for Business for a week and a half. So really no shop time other than clean up so LOML can put her car in there while I am gone.


Mike Evertsen
11-26-2003, 9:06 AM
we'll be going to my sister's for thanksgiving dinner I'm baking a spiral ham,,,,,
friday we are going to Rockler's they have a dovetail demos happening and the jig will be on sale for 49.00,,,,,I have a jig but I don't think it's all there I've never been able to make good dovetails with it or it could be I'm not doing something right,,,,,
when I'm going somewhere I got alot of shop work to do and furinture to move around and christmas decorations to put up,,,,,,,,,,

Happy Thanksgiving :cool:

Jim Becker
11-26-2003, 9:13 AM
"This and that" is on the card for the long weekend. Shop Time. Property maintenance time. Dinner with LOML tomorrow. Purusing an arts show on Saturday and dinner out with friends. Mostly worrying about some close friends and coworkers who got laid off this week.

Bud Duffy
11-26-2003, 9:16 AM
No shop time i am at my mothers in upstate New York if anybody in the area wouldnt mind a visit from a fellow creeker just PM me i will be checking in a couple times in the next few days. happy thanksgiving to all.

Dave Dionne
11-26-2003, 9:45 AM
Lets see
Tonight baking pies, tomorrow Thanksgiving dinner is at my house, shop time early in morning. Thought I was having more people then I am now I am roasting a 34 1/2 ln. bird for 9 people lots of left overs. Friday-Sunday last (and first)of fall yard work, clean shop/garage and setting up for a run of punched tin pie safes and dollhouse book cases. If any time left Christmas decoration time. Monday come back to work to rest

Happy Thanksgiving:)


John Miliunas
11-26-2003, 10:01 AM
Tomorrow, Thanksgiving dinner w/family and probably the ball game. I just checked UPS tracking and it looks like my DC fittings are on the way to my place from Kencraft, so you can guess what the rest of the weekend has in store! :D May take a break from the DC system and do the brakes on my car. Have a SUPER Bird-day and weekend all! For those of you traveling, may your trips be pleasant and safe! :cool:

Ken Salisbury
11-26-2003, 10:12 AM
Today I am expecting a visit from Jason Roehl and his family.

Tomorrow will be dinner at oldest Son's house. Then home to watch football and consume a few Bud Lights.

Will refrain from shop time on Thursday - but will hit it hard on Friday. Still have lots to do preparing for a show Dec 5th.


Glenn Clabo
11-26-2003, 10:19 AM
Eating...sleeping...walk on the beach...eating...sleeping...eating...sleeping.
Thank goodness for clothes that stretch.

Ah yes...isn't Thanksgiving a great hoilday.

Noah Alkinburgh
11-26-2003, 10:25 AM
Parents are coming in from NY tomorrow morning. Bringing a bunch of white ash cutoffs and possible some black walnut from where my brother works :)

Tomorrow will be dinner with my family and the wife's family. Fortunately we all get along so it only one dinner, or maybe that is unfortuanately as that means only one dinner :D

Friday the LOML thinks she is taking my father shopping for my mother. I think my dad thinks she is joking....I think I am staying out of the discussion :rolleyes:

At some point my dad and I are planning to get a prefab shed put up in my back yard and I have a bunch of pens to finish turning, and some other Christmas stuff to work on.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.


Phil Phelps
11-26-2003, 10:29 AM
I will never know what a liesurely weekend or holiday is.... ever again :( I am involved in a move, a house re-do, if you please. I have been in the same spot for 28 yrs. Soooo, the golf clubs are gettin' rusty and free time is not to be. Truth is..... I'd rather do this kinda stuff than anything else :p
So to all of you WW'ers on Saw Mill Creek, HAPPY THANKSGIVING !!!

Dave Anderson NH
11-26-2003, 10:43 AM
Just a small family gathering for Thanksgiving Day. The rest of the weekend will be fiddling in the shop with a host of small projects. I need to complete the finish on my spokeshave rack and install it on the lift up door of my plane till, build a display stand for my screw armed plow plane and make or modify a number of wall fixtures for my hand tool wall in the bench room. I'm also eyeing a couple of pieces of burl which might make some nice turnings.

Tom Sweeney
11-26-2003, 10:49 AM
Later today I hope to run up to Noah's work & retrieve my turning gouges :rolleyes: - Then I can work on turning a few boxes & bowls that will end up as Christmas gifts. Turkey day will be at my sister's, just about 45 minutes away. Hopefully Friday will be an R&R day for me & LOML & LOML jr. as things have been pretty hectic lately. I might try to get some shop clean up time in & maybe work on a flat box I started a few weeks ago.

Saturday I'm going to try & do some much needed yard & exterior house maintenance, weather permitting, & maybe get in the shop a little bit.

Sunday will be Church & hopefully more R&R.

Sorry to hear about your friends Jim - as I think I told you last weekend - I'm going through the same thing my self - Life goes on.

Everyone have a great & safe Thanksgiving & let's all keep our military people in our thoughts as they are away from their families during the Holiday season.

mike malone
11-26-2003, 11:03 AM
Later today I hope to run up to Noah's work & retrieve my turning gouges :rolleyes: - Then I can work on turning a few boxes & bowls that will end up as Christmas gifts. Turkey day will .

I'm waiting for Ford to get thru repairing my truck so I can go and pick up a nice Delta 14 RAS that I recently bought.
After that I may get time to figure out the pieces of the cyclone DC i bought from Tony here on the 'Creek.
Our Thanksgiving day is delayed 'til friday as my wife has to work thursday....(ER nurse)
Hate to complain, but i wish it would warm up here in So Cal so I can finish spray painting my Powermatic 90 lathe that has been on the back burner for a while.
Everyong, drive safely and have a happy TG...and keep warm back east.