View Full Version : Furniture experts opinion needed....knobs.

Ken Fitzgerald
01-27-2007, 7:57 PM
I'm in the process of turning 12 knobs out of bubinga for someone. Question for you furniture experts before I get too far into this. How do you attach wooden knobs on your projects?.....wood screws..or..metal threaded inserts in the knobs and machine screws.......Your help would be greatly appreciated.

Jamie Buxton
01-27-2007, 8:05 PM
If you see face grain on the front of the knob, I drill and tap an 8-32 machine thread into the back. 8-32 is the standard machine screw for knobs and handles. Into face grain, it is very strong.

If you see end grain on the front of the knob, I'd bore a matching hole into the furniture and glue the shaft in. You do have to turn a consistent diameter on the shafts of the knobs to make this easy.

Brad Schmid
01-27-2007, 9:58 PM

I drill a proper size hole in the door/drawer. Then I turn a matching tenon, grip the tenon in a chuck, and finish turning the knob. Then I cut a kerf in the tenon, dab of glue on tenon, push the knob into the door/drawer, drive a wedge in the tenon, then cut flush. I prefer to avoid scews unless using store bought hardware.
