View Full Version : This is very interesting...

David Walser
01-27-2007, 6:02 AM
At least, I think so. Here is a link to a hollow form made from a blank glued up out of particle board:


A member of our local turning club did it. He's been turning a lot of interesting things out of unusual materials. Have any of you seen or done something similar?

Oh, I apologize in advance if I'm in violation of forum rules. I've double checked and don't think that I am. By the way, it might b nice to add a link to the Terms of Service Agreement in the "Quick Links" or "FAQ" menus. I had a hard time finding the puppy.

John Hart
01-27-2007, 6:08 AM
I've been wondering how particle board would turn out. It's a beautiful piece no doubt. May have to try it soon.

By the way...the Terms of Service has it's own link at the bottom of each page (lower right)

Mark Pruitt
01-27-2007, 9:43 AM
Interesting indeed! He did a great job with it. I'll bet he had to do double time at the grinder though!:eek: (Seems like p-board would dull the gouge pretty quickly.) Also I would want the finest breathing protection, or turn it outdoors, or with the doors open and the wind to my back.

Andy Hoyt
01-27-2007, 11:03 AM
Very cool! Thanks, Dave.

FYI - that kind of link is aok.

Bernie Weishapl
01-27-2007, 11:11 AM
That is pretty awesome Dave. Never would have thought of even using it.

Dave Wimmer
01-27-2007, 11:22 AM
I did it from plywood once and Mark is right. It plays the devil with gouges. I don't know about particle board, but ply wood is also full of voids.

Paul Engle
01-27-2007, 11:53 AM
Awsome who'd a thunk it... yea the glue plays havoc with ts blades also, the older the board the harder it seems to be, I use a special commerical grade for counter tops and it is worse than the everyday variety ,on the saw its like shrapnel , but is more moisture resistant. I wonder what OSB would look like with the bigger chips in it...:confused: .

Mike Mortenson
01-27-2007, 12:16 PM
I thought it looked more like chipboard than particle board.

Mark Rios
01-27-2007, 12:25 PM
Even to a non-turning bonehead like me those are AMAZING!

Ron Chamberlin
01-27-2007, 12:29 PM
Particle and OSB are on my list to try. I have made a couple out of exterior grade plywood, voids and all. Here is a photo of one.

David Walser
01-27-2007, 1:34 PM
By the way...the Terms of Service has it's own link at the bottom of each page (lower right)

:o Boy am I red faced! I was sure it was somewhere. I looked at the top of the page and all over on the forums page.... After 15 minutes of searching, I tried the search function. It was late at night and I'm sticking with that excuse until I can think of a better one!

David Walser
01-27-2007, 1:43 PM

Thanks for the comments and interesting discussion. Sorry for making you follow a link, but I wasn't sure how to get permission to use the picture.

As for the idea, I like it. I think I'll try it once tax season is over.

He was asked if it was particle board rather than chip board and he said particle board, but not everyone know the difference. He also said that you need to sharpen your tools a lot. All this information is secondhand, so I can't vouch for its accuracy.

Jonathon Spafford
01-27-2007, 2:54 PM
that is a totally amazing piece... gonna have to try something out of the PB! The look is incredible!!!

Jim Becker
01-27-2007, 2:59 PM
Using manufactured products is a nice way to do some interesting things...I have a small hollow-form that I did from a hung of LVL that really is very kewel. That said, be aware you will be sharpening your tools every few seconds with this stuff...not a problem...but necessary as the resins really dull the edge lickety-split! (Worse than the calcite in spalted woods)

James Duxbury
01-27-2007, 8:58 PM
They sure look great. I'll bet it takes some real sanding too. Probably fragile. You think?

Skip Spaulding
01-27-2007, 10:16 PM
Kind of looks like a wasp nest. Nice piece, thanks for the information.

Lee DeRaud
01-28-2007, 12:24 AM
Have any of you seen or done something similar?
I did a couple of glue-ups from baltic birch ply last fall:
Just a couple of small voids, easily filled with thick CA.

I've never turned PB, but MDF actually turns and buffs out very nicely...doesn't seem to be that hard on the tools either.

Bill Boehme
01-28-2007, 12:45 AM
...I have a small hollow-form that I did from a hung of LVL that really is very kewel.

No pic --- didn't happen :rolleyes:. I don't know hat the stuff is called (LVL for all that I know), but my Delta lathe came on a pallet made of some kind of wood product that is about half way between plywood and OSB -- a lot of short wavy plies. Anyway, I tossed them before I found out that you can make some neat things with it. It probably beats everything else in glue content.
