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View Full Version : new member - advise on filter for HF dust collector

Greg McCallister
01-26-2007, 9:01 PM
I have a Harbor Freight dust collector and am looking at the filters at Wynn Enviromental (http://www.wynnenv.com/35A_series_cartridge_kit.htm). There are two types and both are very close in filter specs and the price is a little bit different. Has anyone used either and how well has it worked for you? One is washable and if you purchased that one have you ever washed it?

glenn bradley
01-26-2007, 9:18 PM
Welcome. I don't have the HF but several members do and they have modified the filter stage. I'm sure they will comment. Again, welcome!

Ralph Barhorst
01-27-2007, 11:03 AM
Welcome Greg,

I have the HF Dust Collector and installed the Wynn filter. It is not washable. It works great. The pleated filter will get clogged up with fine dust. It is not a big problem. I just take a board and whack the filter several times and the dust drops down into the bag. Of course, make sure the DC in turned off or the whack won't do much good.

I called Wynn and talked to them and got a recommendation on the filter. They are very helpful. Make sure you buy extra clear plastic bags. They are very heavy and can be reused if you want. I tried using a heavy black garbage bag but it blew up and exploded like a balloon when it was about 1/3 full of dust. What a mess!!

It makes a very good DC for the price.

Paul Douglass
01-27-2007, 11:46 AM
I also have the HF collector with the Wynn filter set up. It works great for my little shop. A hugh improvement ovet the bags that came with the HF. The plastic bags, at least the ones I got are very hard to get on, I have to use a hair dryer to soften the edge so I can stretch them onto the dust collector. I think they may have come out with a little larger bag now that is easier to install. I have reused the bags, and thay do last quite a while. You won't be disappointed.

Mine is not the washable kind, mine is the "wackable" one. I do take the filter outside when empting the bag and that the air hose to it also.

Dave Harker
01-27-2007, 1:34 PM
I converted my grizzly DC to a Wynn filter.

Here is a web page I made with more info on what I did, and some pics, I hope it helps.


Greg McCallister
01-28-2007, 1:42 PM
Thanks everyone for the input.
Dave that was an inpressive conversion on the neutral vane and the pre-seperator. I noticed you used, looks like, 6" ducting.
What is the farthest run you make with that? The farthest actual run I will need to make is around 12 feet from were I am placing the DC. 6" S&D is avaliable in my area but the flex is not.

Brad Townsend
01-28-2007, 2:13 PM
I have the Wynn spunbond filter. It's the washable one to which you are referring. I have taken it off and hosed it out a couple of times. Comes out great, but I am beginning to wonder if it's worth the trouble to do this, as it is still a hassle and the advantages of such a thourugh cleaning are very short lived.

The biggest advantage I see to the more rugged (and more expensive) of the two Wynn options is that I installed a beater inside mine to knock the dust out of the pleats and I have less fear of damaging the element doing this. I'm not saying the the paper element would not stand up as well. I'm just saying that the spunbond polyester is tougher and I feel more comfortable beating on it than I would the paper.

There are those that would argue that the paper will provide better performance because it has about twice the square footage of filter area over the spunbond. Technically this may be true, but I suspect that both provide such a large amount of square footage, that you would be hard pressed to tell the difference between the two in everyday use.

Greg McCallister
01-29-2007, 4:32 PM
Well thanks everyone for the info. I bought the paper one due to one, well cost, why else? Not sure if I am going with 6" or not at this time - might go with 5" as that is what the inlet to the DC is. Would need to modify the intake etc. Plan on at least installing a neutral vane. Guys at Wynn Enviromental (http://www.wynnenv.com/35A_series_cartridge_kit.htm) were great on helping me make that decision. Nice outfit! Should be here in a few days. Just in time for the weekend I hope. Thanks again all.