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View Full Version : Graphic anyone??

Bruce Volden
01-25-2007, 7:45 PM
I hate to bother anyone but I am in need of a "conservation officers badge" type graphic. I found one on the 'net and am presenlty working on it with frustrations. It is the one with the eagle looking to his right, lotsa work to do if'n nobody has a clean vectored one:mad: :mad: I have quite a few gunstocks to burn once I find a good one! ;)


Shaddy Dedmore
01-25-2007, 8:23 PM
Maybe post what you have, then someone can help clean it up.


Bruce Volden
01-25-2007, 8:55 PM
OK, I'll try (desperation) :eek: If WE could clean up the bird and the scrolls I'd be happy and can add/subtract from there. Thank you. I was completely caught off guard as "most" logos are readily available or a quick easy conversion :confused:


Frank Corker
01-25-2007, 9:08 PM
Bruce, no offence but sometimes us guys on the otherside of the pond need a little bit more help - a state an area. I have spent about half an hour and found thousands of different organisations and as you are from Dakota (I'm actually non the wiser for knowing that) I still keep having difficulties even seeing what I am looking for. Your cdr file actually isn't much of a help.

The only one I could find similar to it is this one, but I really don't know if it will help you.

Bruce Volden
01-26-2007, 6:15 AM

Yes, I saw that one also. My dilema is that the gun shop already has a previously engraved "example" (which I did not do)! I surfed every way I could think trying to find the example I have to build off. What I'll attempt this afternoon is to see how well scanning the example stock turns out, this may not be the best way of going about things but certainly worth a try :confused: Thanks for trying/looking 'tho!


Aleta Allen
01-26-2007, 10:21 AM
I know how frustrating it can be to find the right one. I have one, but it is different then the one you showed. If you have the right one but need it clean, you might try Pete Bertrand. He cleans them very nicely, fast and cheap. I have used him before. Just a thought.

Uma Duffy
01-26-2007, 12:18 PM
Here is a badge with eagle that might work....my first attachment- so I hope it works....it's not like firefox or netscape attachements. Good luck!

Bruce Volden
01-26-2007, 12:32 PM
Here is a badge with eagle that might work....my first attachment- so I hope it works....it's not like firefox or netscape attachements. Good luck!

Thank you Uma. I am at my real job now so I can't open the file, it'll have to wait til I get home.


Uma Duffy
01-26-2007, 12:52 PM
This should work better... I should have noticed the version you need in your signature file.