View Full Version : double biscuit joints

frank shic
01-25-2007, 5:59 PM
all of this fanfare over the upcoming festool domino has had me revisiting my plate jointer in search of a more affordable method of hidden joinery for furniture building. does anyone have a good explanation as to which would yield a stronger double biscuit joint assuming that stock thickness is not the issue: one double biscuit slot with two biscuits in the slot or two biscuit slots with a biscuit in each slot?

Hoa Dinh
01-25-2007, 6:12 PM
I vote for two biscuit slots with a biscuit in each.

Same cross section area, more glue contact surface.

Doug Shepard
01-25-2007, 6:29 PM
I've done the 2-slot, 2-biscuits method on miter joints on end table top frames. I've never had any of them even hint at opening up over the years. Never tried the 1-slot, 2-biscuits method though I would think like Hoa that less glue surface area would make it not as strong.

glenn bradley
01-25-2007, 7:04 PM
2 slots, 2 biscuits.

Karl Knoernschild
01-26-2007, 11:22 AM
I don't think there would be any added benefit to the 1-slot, 2-biscuit method. The area of contact between the biscuits and the workpiece will be the same as with one biscuit. The added thickness of using 2 biscuits won't add significantly to the strength of the joint.

frank shic
01-26-2007, 12:19 PM
thanks for everyone's responses. i was playing around with the biscuit jointer the other day and discovered that it's a lot easier to stick a 1/4" piece of plywood underneath than it is to slide on and off the OEM clear plastic foot. so for now, i'll use the double slot instead of the double biscuit for furniture joinery.

Paul Engle
01-26-2007, 12:28 PM
which ever one has the most sq in's of glue coverage for pull out, the harded the bisket material the strong the joint would be , I ve made oak bisquits ( dutchman) for oak joinery and there breaking point was stronger than the common variety found at supply stores.