View Full Version : a lot of trees to cut up

Gary Butterfield
01-24-2007, 5:49 PM
I have been off line, and out of power for 6 days now. An ice storm kit us January 12 and boy it was a dandy. Power lines where down and power poles snapped like tooth picks. It looks like a tornado went through and took the tops out of all the trees. I have 6 broiler houses and 100 head of cows and it kept me busy trying to keep everything going. It is too bad that a bunch of you guys don't live close to me. I could supply you with alot of wood. I have 160 acres and trees are down everywhere. Most of them are walnut, oak and sycamore. Well I off with my chain saw to see what I can gather up.

01-24-2007, 6:15 PM
If you can ship I can receive!!!!
I would maybe even pay for it:D !
Really let me know about shipping.

Same thing here except that a lot of what is down here is elm. Anyone turn elm before?

Richard Madison
01-24-2007, 7:37 PM
Where are you geographically located?

Gary Butterfield
01-24-2007, 8:06 PM
I am in southwest Missouri 30 miles east and south of Joplin. I have some walnut limbs that are about 6 inches. Can I use them for something?

Bernie Weishapl
01-24-2007, 11:14 PM
Gary I hollow those 6 incher out and make birdhouses out of them to hang around outside. I turn the body and bottom plus the top. They are a ball to make. I have a buddy who just retired in Webb City, Mo. He worked for the FAA in Joplin. Boy I would give my eye teeth for a couple of hunks of that walnut or Sycamore. I have tried to buy some off ebay but buying it and then shipping on top just kills ya.