View Full Version : Tabletop Mounting Clips from Lee Valley

Darren Brown
01-24-2007, 11:50 AM
Has anyone used the tabletop mounting clips from Lee Valley? I have some questions about installation. Specifically, how far from the top of the rail should I run the groove, and considering that its winter, how far into the groove should I install the clip? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Doug Shepard
01-24-2007, 12:05 PM
Are these the Z-type clips? If so, I've never run into an issue where allowing for wood movement was a concern. You're only about an inch or less from the edge. I can't tell you the exact distance to put the slot. I played with some scrap until I got the fit just right and have kept that piece as a setup gauge whenever I need to use them again. I ended up with the setup block slot placed so that the screw is just starting to snug the top down to the apron. FWIW I dont put a full length slot on the apron but use the biscuit jointer to put a slot where I want to locate the clip.

Greg Sznajdruk
01-24-2007, 2:00 PM
Same as Doug, use a slot cutter on my router. Cut the slot depth slightly deeper than the leg of the clip. This time of the year set the clip in the slot about one third of the way in. Summer time set the leg about two thirds of the way in. No problems to date.


Greg Robbins
01-24-2007, 2:17 PM
I use my bisquit joiner to cut the slots. Works great.

Jim W. White
01-24-2007, 4:01 PM
I use a thin kirf blade with the slot 1/2" from the edge of the board. They work like a champ.

Jim in Idaho