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View Full Version : What's The Big Idea? (Resolved)

Dave Richards
01-23-2007, 10:27 PM
Just curious about something that is puzzling me. Early this afternoon (CST) my brother signed up to be a member of SMC. He jumped through the hoops and all that. I could see him listed and was even able to add him to my Buddy List. This evening I went looking for his profile and he doesn't exist in the member list. Was his membership rejected? What's the scoop?

John Schreiber
01-24-2007, 12:10 AM
Looking at the member list sorted by day joined shows about five for today and about 35 for each of the previous couple of days. I'll bet that all new enrollees get added at 3:00 am or something like that.

Aaron will know for sure.

Keith Outten
01-24-2007, 4:31 AM
A few months ago someone registered here using a Member Name that was nothing more than foul language. Since then we manually review every registration before approving them.

I try to review the list of Registrations twice daily, in the morning and at night. Yesterday was a long day for me and I retired early without reviewing the pending registrations. I just reviewed the list and approved most of those waiting early this morning.


Dave Richards
01-24-2007, 6:22 AM
Thanks for the explanation. It was weird that I could see his profile yesterday in the afternoon and then in the evening it was gone.