View Full Version : Proper tools

Jason Slutsky
01-23-2007, 1:19 PM
Being a "new guy" I don't have a proper bowl gouge in the set of tools that I bought. I also have in the set what they call a 3/4" bowl gouge and a 1" roughing gouge but they are really neither when I compare them to the nicer name brands. I was able to turn 1 bowl using the tools that I have...predominantly using the 3/8" spindle gouge in the set. I've been told by experienced turners that I did a very nice job...regardless of being a new turner.

I had a couple minor dig-in's with the spindle...mostly near the rim but otherwise left a great finish and needed only minimal sanding to achieve a nice finish.

My question is, until I get the funds to buy a proper bowl gouge, is it safe to use the spindle or am I asking for trouble.

Mark Pruitt
01-23-2007, 1:42 PM
There is nothing wrong with using a spindle gouge for facework (which most bowls are), so long as you use common sense and let the tool "tell you" when you're doing something wrong. However, the roughing gouge should never be used for facework, according to every experienced person I've heard or read. I've never tried a roughing gouge on facework and I doubt I ever will, given the warnings I hear. (It has to do with the smallness of the tang and the tension placed upon it when turning larger diameters.)

BTW, here (http://www.thebestthings.com/newtools/sorby_tgouges.htm) is a good price on bowl gouges if you haven't seen it already.

Jason Slutsky
01-23-2007, 1:51 PM
Thanks for your thoughts Mark. I didn't mean to imply that I was using my (so-called) roughing gouge to do any of this...just the spindle.

The 1" & 3/4" are relegated to waste removal.

I did take the round nose scraper that came with the set and ground the left side down so it is now a half-round. I was nervous to touch the inside wall of the bowl with it in it's round-nose form.

I think now I can put off buying a nice bowl gouge for a little while and get that Wolverine to aid me in my sharpening. (We can do without groceries this week)