View Full Version : I just got my first ever BANDSAW!!!!!!!!!! NOW.....

Karin Voorhis
01-23-2007, 12:46 PM
Hey all. I just picked up a 14" bandsaw and would love to make some band saw boxes. I have practice a few curves and all on some scrap ply wood and I have riped some ash boards down to 1/16th for lasering small signs. (still need to laser)

What I need now is some ideas on what I need as far as wood and designs for these bandsaw boxes. I am just learning so what would be my best approache to the wood to learn with.

Ron Blaise
01-23-2007, 12:50 PM
But without pictures it didn't happen :rolleyes:

Jeremy Gibson
01-23-2007, 1:01 PM
I'll be watching this thread...my very first bandsaw is on the shipping truck and due late next week. This is not my gloat since I don't have my obligitory pictures yet - will as soon as it arrives!

Mike Duffy
01-23-2007, 2:06 PM
Tony Ward has some free plans you can download from his site.


Karin Voorhis
01-23-2007, 2:15 PM
Ok I will do one better as I also just got a deal on a jointer!!!!!!!! I was in a well you know thoose harware stores that are everywhere and I was looking at jointers when I guy can over and said he was a metal worker and just won one @ a tool show and it was brand new in the box so we hooked up and I got a great deal. That never happens to me!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I spent the whole weekend reoganizing and setting up the shop better so I will take a small video and put it up.

I am so excited adn now I just need to keep reading here adn learn what the heck to do with them all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!

Mike Heidrick
01-23-2007, 2:34 PM
Want to buy some 93 1/2" blades for it. I am doing teh 6" riser swap and have some to sell. PM me or email at unix888(at)verizon.net.

Tony Ward
01-23-2007, 3:23 PM
Hey all. I just picked up a 14" bandsaw and would love to make some band saw boxes. I have practice a few curves and all on some scrap ply wood and I have riped some ash boards down to 1/16th for lasering small signs. (still need to laser)

What I need now is some ideas on what I need as far as wood and designs for these bandsaw boxes. I am just learning so what would be my best approache to the wood to learn with.

Welcome to bandsaw box making where you'll have lots of fun and be rewarded for your creativity!

"Gary Brewer"
01-23-2007, 6:35 PM
Karin: There is softcover book I got at Woodcraft in Rochester that is on making band saw boxes. It is excellent! The author is Lois Keener Ventura and she is from Pittsburgh, Pa. She makes her living making band saw boxes. There are templates for the different designs and it is very well explained. I made my first one last year and it turned out great. You could probably get the book online cheaper than Woodcraft if you wanted. Try www.alibris.com (http://www.alibris.com). It many times has good prices. The book's name is "Building Beautiful Boxes with your band saw". The ISBN number is 1-55870-522-8. The publisher is "Popular Woodorking Books". www.popularwoodworking.com
There are many amazing designs in the book. Everything you need is layed out for you with plenty of pictures and material sources. I did the "whale play" box. I liked the shape and it was one of the easier ones to do. It turned out just like her example.
Enjoy your new bandsaw!
Gary Brewer

Karin Voorhis
01-23-2007, 8:32 PM
Here are the pics and a small video 4.33 minutes worth of the shop. http:\\www.funwithgraphics.com\myshop.wmv

Tony:thanks for the heads up on the book I will be looking that up asap.

no ideas on wood hun? Maybe glueing together some pine for now???

Karin Voorhis
01-23-2007, 9:16 PM
hope you all like the video its a small shop not all that but it is all mine and I am proud and THANK YOU ALL FOR HELPING ME LEARN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am having a field day.... meeting some cool nice people and every so often creating something creative that is all mine.

Jim Becker
01-23-2007, 9:26 PM
Congratulations on your band saw and jointer, Karin!! Nice additions to your shop.

Anthony Anderson
01-23-2007, 9:37 PM
Karin, Congrats on the new tools. I really like the video. I wish I knew how to do things like that. Someday. Keep having fun in the shop. Regards, Bill

Karin Voorhis
01-24-2007, 7:18 AM
Thanks Jim and Anthony,

I am looking forward to spending some great times learning and becoming creative with these new tools or rather TOYS!!!!! :cool:

I hope I become good at using them.

As for the video I did nothing with it just uploaded to computer and a fast throw together in the comman media player movie maker this time. Then I toosed it on my sever. Hope this helps out.

Karin Voorhis
01-24-2007, 9:21 PM
I just found this video today http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UdkV97nmv_k

so I went out and got a couple pieces of pond pine CHEAP wood and came home cut it up. I then glued and clamped and will be trying this project as my first bandsaw box... any ideas please share them..

Jake Helmboldt
01-24-2007, 9:37 PM
Karin, I suggest drawing a template and taping or transferring that to the block you are cutting. Rough sketching or cutting freehand (at least early on) easily results in cutting through a supporting part or leaving it too thin to look good or support the piece. I speak from experience. :rolleyes:


Don Bullock
01-24-2007, 10:27 PM
Congratulations on your new band saw and jointer. I have the same saw and really like it. Your shop looks nice. Thanks for sharing.

Karin Voorhis
01-25-2007, 9:20 AM
Thanks Jake these are the tips I am looking for..... :cool:

Dan I am pleased just need some more clean up and all should be preetyy good to go......