View Full Version : extension mounted router table

Mike Steinhilper
01-23-2007, 8:48 AM
I asked in an earlier post if anyone had tried the Bosch router table attached to the Ridgid ts3650. I've decided to give it a shot based on some feedback. My question now is: how do I go about installing the top in place of my left extension? Do I need to take the rails off altogether? Or do I just need to remove the extension and replace it? My saw is new and I don't want to modify it in any way, outside of maybe drilling some new holes to mount the table.

glenn bradley
01-23-2007, 12:31 PM
Hi Mike,
You didn't get many replies on your first post so first let me apologize for being one of those who did not respond. I have had a few versions of extension mounted RT's and can probably help you out.

Your table is already 27" so that's half the battle. One quick and dirty method is to adjust the height of your current legs and just stand the whole rig in the position you want it. Problem solved unless you want to be mobile.

Lets assume you want it attached and free standing. I built a frame of 3/4 x 2 1/2" oak to support the outer edges of my first attempt. I used the t-slots in my fence rails and bolts to attach the RT/frame to the fence rails and just slid it up to the TS top.

I then built legs that supported the outer edge of the RT and ran at an angle back to where the TS stand stood on the mobile base. You will want some kind of support if your rails are aluminum like mine were. The failure on this setup was that the 7/8 thick MDF top was only supported at the outer edges and developed sag from the weight of the router.

Second attempt added a frame inside the original outer frame of oak. This additional support ran 'front to back' (from the operating position of the RT) along the sides of the opening for the router plate. That took care of my sag.

When I changed routers, I went industrial which eliminated any native dust control around the cutter head. This drove me to building an enclosed cabinet which is floor standing but attached to the saw. This build is not mobile.

Hope this helps. Feel free to PM me your email and I could send you some pics.

Darrick Hartman
01-23-2007, 5:49 PM
I'm planning to build a right extension router table mount onto my newly acquired Delta contractor saw (34-410), mostly because I have very limited space in my "shop". My plan is to detach the saw from the original base. Create a mobile box which will hold up the saw with a dust collection drawer under the saw. This box would extend under the right extension. I'd have to leave an opening to allow tilt adjustment on the TS, but I do want to have the router enclosed.

I'm planning to leave the rails attached as they were originally. (when I purchased this saw yesterday, it came with the normal short rails and the long (I think 100"+) rails. The stand that was attached would have been fine if I had the room to leave the saw in one place. The way my shop is, I need to do as much as I can in a small space.

Look forward to see what others think and what you're able to build yourself.
